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Why I am part of the school newspaper

Khloe Toy

As a seventh grader, this is my second year being a writer for our school newspaper, the Curious Times. So far, the experience was very fun and educational. I was able to make new friends and I have definitely improved my writing skills. With the Curious Times, I was able to learn how to revise my work and create articles that allow me to express my opinions/view over things. The articles I created have not only shared my own opinion, but it also helped voice others’ opinions. I believe that the Curious Times has benefited everyone in different ways; readers being informed and writers sharing what they know/believe in. This year and the year before have been incredible. With that being said, I hope that when I join again next year, I will get to experience this again.

“As a seventh grader writing for the Curious Times, I think that one, I got to socialize with others more, thus making new friends such as Elaine. Also, I also found other people with a similar interests- oh wait, I didn’t. I’m kidding. but still, that is one of the benefits of being in this club.”  

  • Tobias Kang

“As I joined this club in sixth grade, I learned to thoroughly enjoy writing. This truly is a memorable experience.”

  • Anonymous

“I feel that this club is a great way to socialize and make new friends. All in all, newspaper is a fun place to hang out (even if you don’t write anything). I wish I fit it into my schedule last year.” 

  • Chloe Pak

“I love the club dearly and I will join next year as well! This club has taught me some incredible things and I have met people that now I’m The best of friends with!”

  • Zhengyilan Fang (Elaine)

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