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  • Tobias Kang

What's The Deal With Genshin Impact?

Right now, I just wish I could be playing Genshin Impact, but I would rather tell people about it.

Okay. So Genshin Impact, simply referred to as Genshin, is a game created by Hoyoverse, and is trending amongst boys and girls 10+. It has an anime version, but the game is far more interesting than the anime. Anyways, where was I? Oh yeah, about it being popular. It is very similar to Zelda, except that this is a mobile game. It also has more choices for characters (nearly 50), and you can join other people in their world.

But the game itself is popular because of its complexity. For example Cookie Run: Kingdom is simple. But Genshin Impact has many more layers. There are 7 elements; Anemo (Air), Geo (Earth), Electro (Electricity), Dendro (Grass), Hydro (Water), Pyro (Fire), and Cryo (Ice).

These are some opinions from my friends.

Khloe Toy (605): Genshin Impact is great, and its detail is great. Overall, Genshin Impact is a good game that I don’t play often.

Zora Chen (605): I played some in the beginning. I got to Adventure Rank 40 in like a month then I got bored and burned out.

By the way, Zora didn’t want to play Genshin, so she gave her great account to me. Thank you!

Just like always, let me give you links, and this time, I’ll give you redeem codes too.







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