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Emma Samanta and Chloe Liang

What’s the best type of chocolate you ask? If you’re unfamiliar the types of chocolates are dark chocolate, milk chocolate, and white chocolate. Although chocolate is good in many different ways, there has to be a best. Which one is it? Here’s a series of interviews, to see which chocolate is the best.


Q:What type of chocolate is the best type of chocolate? 

A: White chocolate.


Q: What type of chocolate is the best type of chocolate?

A: Any type of chocolate besides white and dark chocolate.


Q: What type of chocolate is the best type of chocolate?

A: Milk chocolate. It’s creamy, smooth and perfect.


Q: What type of chocolate is the best type of chocolate?

A: Milk chocolate, I’m sorry Mrs. Chaves!

Abigail Mo (Class 701):

Q: What type of chocolate is the best type of chocolate?

A: White chocolate!

Emma Samanta (Class 620):

Q: What type of chocolate is the best type of chocolate?

A: Milk chocolate. I love milk chocolate so much!!!

Chloe Liang (Class 620):

Q: What type of chocolate is the best type of chocolate?

A: Would you be mad if I said Nutella? But, I also love Oreo and milk chocolate. If none of those options are available, white chocolate is good too! Just never dark chocolate!😂

Although there are many different types of chocolate, milk chocolate won! 

Hopefully Mrs. Chaves doesn’t come after us!


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