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  • Writer's picturePAUL NG

We have the freedom to SAY GAY!

***Disclaimer***quotes by Govenor DeSantis are cited from

Let me start by saying, it is my opinion to feel comfortable saying gay. In this day and age, young people are starting to discover who they really are before they are freshman (9th grade) in high school. My fellow peers should know, one may identify as gay, and there is nothing wrong with being who you are in your heart and mind.

In Florida, Governor DeSantis signed a bill stating, “Classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards." In my humble opinion, this bill comes off as an insult to modern society. As more and more people come out to this day, the early elementary years are essential to discovering who a person is emotionally, especially since many kids are beginning to realize and recognize their identity at a young age. Governor DeSantis also expresses “...teaching kindergarten-aged kids that "they can be whatever they want to be" was "inappropriate" for children.” and, “...It's not something that's appropriate for any place, but especially not in Florida." Governor DeSantis also expressed how guidance counselors and teachers can not talk to students privately about their sexuality.

I interviewed one of my peers and the student expressed, “I think that rule is not great in ways that the fact that they don't want children to learn about this even though they are very young, I don't think they shouldn't be educated about this. I do not think it is fair that if a child goes to a teacher, guidance counselor, etc, and they say, ``I don't know my sexuality, and they can not talk to the child, that is not good.”

If this bill passes, I think that it will make children very uncomfortable especially in the state of Florida and mostly everywhere.


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