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We all need to grow up and end bullying!

Abigail Mo

This week, our school MS 158 stood against bullying by wearing the color orange. However, lets be honest we should all take a stand against bullying everyday.

Have you ever been bullied? Yes, right? It feels like you're being backed into a wall with nowhere to go. Even if you haven’t been bullied, bullying drives a rift in the community of our school. If you don’t think bullying happens talk with your parents and talk with your teachers. I bet even as a grown adult bullying happens.

Based on studies by the American psychological association, there is proven statistics that students who are bullied tend to have a less impressive academic performance due to fear of standing out. Then they are identified as “lazy workers” and are paid little attention by teachers and feel even less motivated. They are shown to miss school, skip school, fall under depression, and only become less motivated to go to school.

I will be honest and brave, and let the audience know, I myself was the victim of being bullied in fifth grade. At the time, I was bullied by someone I really cared about and considered my best friend. For a long time, I wondered, “What could I have done to end things on better terms?” Years later, I found out she harbored an extreme hatred towards me and was saying bad and false things about me. I know she wants to ruin the friendships I have built over the past year, but I am not going to worry. My real friends will stay by me.

So, what are you going to do if you are being bullied? Some advise to stand up for yourself and confront the bully, but isn’t attention what a bully wants? One teacher goes by the old saying “sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me.” The way I interpret that quote is: people may say words that offend you, but words are harmless. When you are being bullied tell a trusted friend immediately, finding support is comforting (and maybe you can get a witness to make a report) Next, document the date and time of the occurrence, maybe a kid is having a bad day and says something they do not mean, and this is a one off occurrence. But documenting a pattern of bullying is much more serious.

Everyone has to make their own choices on what they believe. To those who are being bullied, just know you aren’t alone! There are adults in our school to turn to, and you can always turn to family, guidance counselors, and the community of MS 158 is always there for you. For myself, with the help of my family and school, I was able to handle the situation, and came out stronger.

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