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The Top 10 Rated Thanksgiving Food

Emma Samanta

It’s the night before Thanksgiving and you’re still planning what to make for Thanksgiving. It takes you an hour just to finish the plan for the appetizers. Meanwhile, you can’t help but think what foods can I serve that I know everyone will like? Now you don’t have to worry about that. This year you will be putting out the best Thanksgiving food! According to the websites Sidechef written by Anna, Fine Dining Lover by the Editorial Staff, and Allrecipes by Karen Gaudette Brewer, this is the top 10 Thanksgiving food. No more worrying about what to put on the dinner.

1st: This one is obvious, of course it is turkey. What’s there not to love about turkey? It’s juicy meat. Prepare it right and it will be amazing! It represents Thanksgiving. I can’t imagine a dinner without it. With about 80% of Americans putting it on the table. If I were you, I’d start buying the turkey now. When it’s still fresh it tastes so much better. You wouldn’t have to race against the world to buy it. It may take long to make but the hard work is worth it.

2nd : Mashed potatoes: It’s delicious. It definitely deserves its place from 2nd. In my opinion it’s not too far from 1st. Mashed potatoes balance everything out, perfectly! Many people ( such as me) love their mashed potatoes to be smooth, buttery, and creamy! While others enjoy it to be on the lumpy side, with chunks of mashed potatoes. But however it is, it’s still amazing!

3rd: Stuffing is amazing! Definitely deserves to be in the top 3. Stuffing is somehow able to make all the food that you’ve eaten a little easier but that's just me! When it’s thanksgiving I eat a lot! Thinking of stuffing makes me want to have Thanksgiving dinner again, and again. Over half of my family love stuffing.

4th : “Parents always say eat your vegetables,” luckily we have the green bean casserole to balance everything out. The green bean casserole has been a famous dish for decades. After having a lot of food, and possible unhealthy foods the green bean casserole has a healthy amount of greens, and beans. I think we all know after having the green bean casserole won’t be a problem, while digesting! Fun Fact! The green bean casserole was given the nickname “jiffy casserole,” this is because you can add multiple ingredients, let it bake, and soon enough it’s done!

5th: Sweet potatoes are amazing .I definitely think that sweet potatoes aren’t too sweet, but still give enough sweetness to be enjoyed. I have a sweet tooth, I can easily say that sweet potatoes are amazing. Sweet potatoes started to be loved by the people in the late 1800’s. Today it’s still loved ( and it makes sense why).

6th: Cranberry sauce gives the extra flavor that you needed. It’s sweet and sour! A combination that everyone needs! Many claim that it works well with turkey. While others claim it goes great with everything. YES, I said everything this year I will see if this is true. But I can easily say that this is true. Cranberry sauce and turkey do go great together.

7th: Pumpkin pie is something I always ask for dessert. It makes me upset to know you can only have this dish in the months of October and November. It’s creamy and delicious! Not only is it good by itself, but even better with ice cream and whipped cream. It’s secretly one of my favorite desserts in the world. I personally think that stores should stop selling pumpkin flavored things, exclusively and make it permanently part of menus.

8th: Mac’n cheese is something you’ll always be seeing me on my thanksgiving plate. AS a cheese lover, I can proudly say that mac n cheese is amazing. When people make 3 cheese mac n cheese I eat the majority of the mac n cheese. Although mac n cheese can go easily wrong, whether it’s the type of cheese or, over/ under cooked. When prepared properly it’s perfect.

9th, Gravy is one of the most traditional Thanksgiving fixings. gravy itself is already amazing, paired with other food, it’s spectacular. It can be used with your turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, and maybe even the bread. A thanksgiving dinner without the gravy would just not be the same. It’s the gravy that at first glance it looks off, but when eaten is amazing!

10th: Creamed corn is great as a side dish. At Thanksgiving dinners I often may take 2 or 3 scoops of creamed corn. As someone who enjoys their foods that sometimes are on the creamy side, cream corn is definitely a keeper on the table. Many people may find cream corn overrate, or underrated. But at Thanksgiving I think at least 1 person has creamed corn. We may all be able to agree that homemade cream corn is way better than can!

As confusing as it is for Thanksgiving dinner, reading this will make it a lot easier. A menu like this can be the menu for Thanksgiving dinner for years to come. Nobody will make a fit about anything. Now get shopping cause, Thanksgiving is soon!

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