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  • Writer's picturePAUL NG

The Morning Announcement Experience

Many say that public speaking is either terrifying and good or terrifying and bad, but what about speaking during the morning announcements? While not exactly public speaking nor private, “is it stressful or good” is a common question. However (as you can see below) Daniel Campusano (who wrote this article) and Anna Lu have tried it for many weeks and will continue to do so, and do not think it is stressful.

Conducting the school announcements can be terrifying on the first two days or so, but if you read it and practice the day before, you can stutter less, be more fluent, and sound more confident in what you say. A way to practice is by re-reading it to a family member or a friend who can give you advice on what to work on.

Speaking from experience my confidence in speaking to an audience definitely grew, so I encourage my peers to reach out to Mr. Gordon if you want to do the morning announcements and strengthen your voice. The skills that you get can prepare you to make important public announcements. Speaking publicly prepares you for many things, as well as exposes you to new vocabulary words!

Although it can be stressful, there are more pros than cons. Overall doing morning announcements helps you a lot with strengthening your voice.


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