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Sit Straight: Good posture is crucial!

Joel Kim

Posture. All of us have heard this word at some point in life. It’s the way or position a person maintains when sitting or standing. Maybe some of us don’t realize how important posture can be sometimes (good for you if you DO realize how important it is), because posture has a huge impact on our life. But…how exactly does it affect us?

Effects of Bad Posture

As a kid who used to have a devastating lack in good posture, I swiftly started to realize that the position I sat in during school and at home impacted me. And the impact, undoubtedly, was extremely negative. In fact, my posture seemed to rapidly worsen whenever I played on my device. My neck would lunge forward which wasn’t very good for my health. 

Being in an era where the entire world is using their phone consistently, you could imagine how many people probably deal with this. Below is a list including some of the side effects of bad posture.

  • Back/Neck pains: Bad posture can result in back and neck pains. Back pains can happen from not sitting in your seat properly or standing/sitting with a hunched back.

  • Personality: Bad posture can also result in a bad mood or downcast personality. If you maintain bad posture, your self-confidence and energy will nose-dive. If you maintain good posture, your confidence will increase greatly and you will get a more positive attitude!

  • Sleep: A poorly maintained posture can result in bad sleeping habits. People with bad posture can’t fully relax and settle down if your muscles aren’t aligned properly. This will have a negative impact on how you perform in school.

How can I fix my posture?

If you think that’s bad enough, that wasn’t the complete list of negative effects. Now you might be thinking, how can I fix my posture? You can easily fix your bad posture by following these simple instructions! To start, never lean forward or bend your back. Move your body to the very back of your seat. Then, rest your shoulders. Sit up straight and align your back with your neck.

If you maintain this posture for a week or more, you’re guaranteed to feel much more comfortable AND confident during school or whatever activities you participate in! 

What have we learned about perfect posture?

In conclusion, I will yet again say that posture has a big role in our lives. It is what makes up our emotions, habits, personalities, and a variety of other effects. So sit up straight-relax, and you can reverse bad posture in no time! 

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