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  • Abigail Mo

Should School Weeks Be Four Days?

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday is school, school, school! But, what if school was only 4 days a week? Would it be better? Worse? But the thing is, we can’t just take away Friday like you go, “boop! I got your nose!” (mainly because the kid can and will bite)

If we were to have a four day school week, to finish the same amount of work, we would have to increase school hours each day! This is because every week there has to be 35 total hours of school, so we’d have to add an hour to each day.

Big businesses have been working on making a 4- day work week. Why? Mainly because they hope their employees will come back refreshed, happy, and ready to work!

Now, what would happen if we had a 4 day school week? Would people come back happy? Would people come back grumpy?

Well, studies have shown that, 4 day school weeks decrease bullying by peers approximetly 39% even peer pressure! Many businesses have been contemplating the idea of a 4 day work week, while some have already enforced it. The results have been extremely positive! For many workers, a four day work week enforced better health, 40% said they experienced less work related stress while 71% responded with less burnout. The companies who tried a trial found more productivity,morale, and team culture. Individuals have experienced better health, relationships and more! What do you think? Is a 4 day work week a good idea? Here are some opinions from your peers and teachers!

Sally of 605: 4 day school weeks would benefit students a lot. We could catch up on our sleep, since school starts at 8 and we have to wake up at 7 or earlier. Some students have a lot of homework, and extracurricular activities that they have to do. So, a 4 day school week is very beneficial.

Daniel of 820: Honestly I get why people would want this and I would obviously love a 3 day weekend but I don’t think it’s super necessary, but would still be great.

Additionally, many think that a four day work week would be very efficient, helpful, and more restful! What do you think? Should we have a four day school week? Let us know in the google form down below!


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