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  • Abigail Mo

Should Mindfulness Be For All Grades?

Here at MS.158, I’m sure we all love mindfulness. After all, it’s a break from all the quizzes, schoolwork and pressure. Unfortunately, due to budget cuts there is only enough to pay for mindfulness for the 6th grade. However, many 7th and 8th graders want to bring it back to our school! What do you think? Here are some opinions from your peers.

Daniel 820: Honestly I think Mindfulness was kind of pointless but I’ll always welcome a break from all the pressure of school.

Mihala from 704: I do not think that Mindfulness is worth bringing back because it was not enjoyable for me and an extra arts period is much more useful to be less stressed.

Pelagia 706: I think that 7th and 8th grade should have mindfulness. In middle school a lot of students are stressed and especially in 7th and 8th grade because you either need to get good grades for high school because that is the year the high schools look at. Or in 8th grade you have SHSAT, Regents and more stressful tests. Having mindfulness is good because you can relax and teach you ways to cope with your stress.

Christiana Raji 607: I think that 7th and 8th graders should have mindfulness because it helps me calm down with all the stress of 6th grade.And if 6th grade is this stressful imagine how stressful 7th and 8th grade

Jonathan Richman: I want mindfulness back for 7th and eighth grade because it’s like a period we can relax and slack off. It’s really enjoyable.

Elisa Hamilton: I think eighth graders should have mindfulness but I also think that we should have it every other week because we also have very important things to learn.

Sophie An 821: I feel like every grade should have a mindfulness class because we all need a mental health break during the week.

Additionally, did you know that some of the effects of mindfulness on the average student’s academic performance is increased by enlarging students' ability to self regulate and focus? This is because mindfulness practice reduces the activity in the part of your brain called the amygdala that is central to switching on your stress response, thereby decreasing background stress not just at school but in your life!

One major benefit is that it boosts students' emotional or psychological well being. Practicing mindfulness can help people minimize productivity barriers. Plus, mindfulness can help students who struggle with perfectionism and expand memory.What do you think? Should mindfulness be brought back for 8th graders and 7th graders? Let us know in the google form below. We would love your feedback!


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