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Prioritizing Time: An Important Skill for School

Joel Kim

Time prioritization is important when talking about school. Often, teachers will give students assignments, and most of the time, bad time prioritization can lead to their schedule going out of control, missing assignments, and all of that piles up, then…

…ka - BOOM.

It’s an important skill most kids need to know, because it helps students stay in order, on task, and lets them plan ahead of themselves. I realized that most of the reasons why kids get bad grades is either because of procrastination or bad time management. So, in this article, I will provide you with a few useful tips on how to prioritize time, and how it can help you with your time management. Here are a few ways I find the most effective and helpful when I do my homework or study.

  • Study at least 3 - 2 days before an exam or quiz. This will help you benefit yourself by letting you study much earlier rather than doing it right before going to sleep the day before the test, and staying up late before tests can affect your overall performance on it, thus impacting your grades.

  • Do homework on the day it is assigned to you. If the teacher offers time during class to do your homework, take this as an opportunity to complete that homework or any other upcoming assignments. If you can’t get it done during class time, finish as much of it as possible and get it done at home or afterschool. If the assignment becomes missing, don’t make excuses, complete it, and notify your teacher you have completed it.

  • When studying, turn off all distractions. Go into a room devoid of people or noise that might disturb or negatively affect your studying, and maybe play some of your favorite relaxing music. This will help you be more focused when studying.

  • When homework piles up, pick off the easier assignments first. Doing this will ensure that you are actually getting work done, and if you start on a hard assignment first, you may get stuck and waste time trying to complete it after spending time on it over a matter of time.

  • Do not be afraid to ask questions, or even ask for help. If you don’t understand something on your homework, ask the teacher for help, or ask your parents for help.

  • Do NOT, under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, procrastinate. If you can somehow motivate yourself to be productive, then you should get as much homework done as possible. Completing all your homework before it’s due will even give you some free time for a couple of days, giving you time to relax.

That’s all. I hope you can acknowledge this information and use these tips when studying. These will help you clear up your assignments and feel more confident and prepared before tests. Thank you for reading!

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