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Our Schools New Device Ban

Chloe Liang and Abigale Wong

As many know, our school: MS.158 has recently banned devices during lunch. There have been many mixed opinions about the ban. Here are our opinions about it.

In my opinion the school's device ban is kind of unreasonable. I understand where the staff is coming from though; many kids at lunch took advantage of the fact that they could use devices and overuse them. Also, when a device is being used and it gets broken, the child has to get it repaired. Some times the repairs take a long period of time. It also cost the city an enormous amount of money to repair these computers. Kids have abused this privilege, and now we all have to pay the consequences. But, it reminds me of when your teacher punishes the whole class because two people are talking. Just because a few kids abuse their devices, does not mean an entire school should ban devices during lunch.

      Personally, this ban is not fair at all. I mean, if you have homework of some sort that you couldn’t finish because of strict parents, lunch is the ideal time to do it. Plus, many people use it to entertain themselves or have fun with their friends. Why are we taking all of this fun away?

Many assignments are online, so students use devices to complete it. However, I can see why the school decided to do this. Many people, (boys and girls alike) tend to be attracted to their devices. It’s basically a magnet attracted to another magnet. It’s the same thing with people. Many people that are obsessed with their devices can’t take their eyes off of them. That causes everything to be delayed because they are not packing up during lunch. Also, people overuse their devices way too much. It feels like being punished even though you weren’t the cause for this problem. Just like getting lunch detention because your class just simply can’t be quiet.

This is our overall opinion on the ban during lunch and recess. Some students might like it, but some won’t. What is your opinion and what do you think about it?

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