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Nineteen Children Dead: How Do We Stop It?

By: Daniel Humphries

Nineteen children, elementary school children at that, are dead. This tragic event, which took place in Texas, has rocked this nation and the world. What do people in MS158 think about it? How can we prevent this from happening again? Find out in this article.

Q: Did you know about the shooting that took place in Texas before this?

Hero: Unfortunately yeah, a bunch of people are talking about it at the moment.

Christina Tsikitas: No I didn’t.

A: I did, at the time I really didn't think about it that much cause all it does it make you really sad.

B: Yes, I did hear about it.

Q: If you're just hearing about it now or not, what were your initial thoughts?

Hero: Honestly I feel like this is just more reason to get better gun restrictions in the US but knowing them they're probably not gonna do anything.

Christina Tsikitas: Those poor children and their families. What is our country coming to?

A: Again I thought that was incredibly tragic but I didn't want to think about it at the time.

B: My initial thoughts were about how bad gun violence is getting in our world with multiple shootings everyday or at least multiple a month.

Q: Do you think that could ever happen in this school?

Hero: The number of things like this happening in schools is growing rapidly. Though I might not say “rapidly” but it is definitely becoming more normal, so yes I think it could happen.

Christina Tsikitas: Yes, definitely.

A: One hundred percent. I can think of multiple people who have motive and means to carry something like that out.

B: No, Bayside seems like a safe place.

Q: What can we do to stop this from happening?

Hero: Probably better security and gun security, to elaborate I mean having things like metal detectors in schools and making sure that there's proper precautions in place just in case of this situation.

Christina Tsikitas: I’m not sure, honestly. Maybe it can’t be stopped

A: Honestly try to reach the people first and have better security. Maybe giving the guards tasers or something like that.

B: I think the administration should tighten security at schools.

Q: What do you think the administration could do better to stop this from happening again?

Hero: Honestly? I feel like all guards should have something to also defend themselves with, like tasers and stuff like that. And saying this again, better security. In general just more precautions in place for situations like this is what would be best.

Christina Tsikitas: I believe we need better gun control.

A: Better gun control or better yet getting rid of guns as a whole, they only hurt people.

As you can see there are varying opinions on this tragic act. Some people can definitely see what is happening in MS158 and some think of it as a distant possibility. What are your thoughts on this dreadful crime? Can you see this happening in our school? How do YOU think we can prevent this? Is it preventable at all?


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