Here at Marie Curie middle school we are all about making our school a better place! These resolutions can make our school, our classes, and most importantly ourselves, even better.
What are resolutions?
Resolutions are goals that you make for yourself that you hope to accomplish. In the case of New Year’s resolutions, they are goals that you want to achieve the next year.These resolutions should be things that you commit to and not slack on. For example, if you make a resolution to stop doing a certain activity, you have to commit to that resolution and actually not do that action!
Here are some resolutions that can get you started, but remember, your resolution is entirely up to you and you can just set goals for yourself that you want to accomplish by the end of the year!
Become more organized/clean
Communicate with other people better
Listen to others
Don’t interrupt others
Focus on [Insert Topic] more
Eat more [Insert Food] / Eat better
Make connections with different people
Create an organized sleep schedule*
Learn how to [Insert Skill]
Stop [Habit]
Exercise more
Help Others
Make new friends :)
Be a civil human being :) `
Read [Insert Book(s)]
Learn to control your emotions
Save money
Volunteer at different locations
Stay Hydrated
Spend more time with family members and friends
Keep your hands to yourself
Follow the rules
Limit your screen time
Limit how much you spend
Now, try to make your own resolution based on something that YOU as a person want to accomplish in the future.