Friendship can be confusing, but it’s a very important thing to consider when making friends. According to Google, friendship is “the emotions or conduct of friends; the state of being friends.”
In my previous article, the topic was how to make good friends. Now, we are going to talk about the situations after you’ve successfully made a friend, or friends. Friendship is complicated, but being friends with your friend will become easier after you’ve mastered friendship. Feeling jealousy if your friend made a new friend and was hanging out more with them than you, having a disagreement with something, or even not having enough of something to fairly divide amongst your friends could all be solved if you knew or experienced enough about friendship. Luckily, you are hearing from a person who experienced all of these scenarios. (Me!)
Feeling jealousy when a new friend joins your crew and all of your friends hovering around him/her, hanging out with them more than you, and taking care of them more like they're some person more special than any other person in the world is a common problem between friend crews. Whenever your friend made a new friend, they would go spend every second of their life with them, leaving you feeling left out. One solution to this problem is attempting to join the hanging out of your friend and their new friend. But what if the new friend seems to strongly dislike you hanging out with them and seems to repel you from hanging out with them? Well, there’s always a Plan B. Plan B says to just find a time when you and your friend are alone and tell them how you feel about their new friend. Talking it out could always be the best solution. Or maybe the friend just likes new stuff. They’ll get over it. But don’t keep thinking that you’ve lost your dear friend forever. The first two solutions should work most of the time.

Having a disagreement with someone is part of life. But what if you just seem to keep arguing and arguing with your friend about that stupid problem about how much toothpaste to squeeze onto your toothbrush in the morning, or even going to brush your teeth!? Well, maybe you can come up with an excuse to change the subject, or if you can’t, just say, “Hey, I think we’ve been arguing for too long, maybe we can argue tomorrow, next week, next month, or next year? We’re friends after all. Friends shouldn’t be arguing about these things.” This strategy always works for me. They’ll forget about the argument eventually. Who cares about the amount of toothpaste you get on your toothbrush? The argument shouldn’t be soo important to them that they remember it for a week or more. This strategy should work out.
Have you ever had a birthday party and you only have 1 invitation left but you’ve got 3 friends who don’t have an invasion yet. Who do you give the invitation to? If you give one innovation to one friend, would the other two change to dislike you? Or you went to one friend’s birthday party but something happened and you couldn’t go to the other friend’s birthday party? Would the friend who hosted the party that you didn’t go to have a weaker friendship with you? So many questions!!! Well, first, friends shouldn’t have a weaker friendship with you just because you didn’t invite them to a birthday party. Friends’ feelings are deeper than just taking the advantage to be invited to some party, or anything! What if they really cared about the party? You could explain to them why you didn’t go or why you didn’t send them an invitation. What if they still don’t forgive you? Well, you could say that you can make it up sometime with a sleepover, playdate, or something else. Real friends shouldn’t throw a tantrum just because you didn’t invite them to some party or didn’t help them study for a test. Which brings me to my next point.
Fake Friends
Some friends might be fake and could betray you at any time. If you don’t want to read this part, then don’t read it. For the ones who do want to read this, I’m going to tell you the two times I accidentally made two fake friends. The first time was when I was in kindergarten and I thought I made a good friend, but she only stayed through Pre-K and I kinda lost her through kindergarten. Her name was Xixi. It just so happened that we were in the same Elementary school as her sister, who was in fifth grade at the time. So, Xixi let go of me and went to hang out with her sister all of the time. She wouldn’t even look at me or answer my questions for her. 😠 Friends shouldn’t have this attitude towards their friends. It’s not nice. Another time when I accidentally made a fake friend was in fourth grade, during recess. This second grade girl came up to me and took the stick in my hand and asked if we could be friends. I said yes and we played tag. The second time was fine, the third time was also, but the fourth time was the last time we ever played together. We were playing tag and she kept running in and out of the benches area. The teachers told us multiple times not to do so, but she kept running in and out of the area and I was it. So I kept following her and she kept going in that area. And the teachers said that this was the last time they were going to tell us that we can’t go there or else we’ll have to sit out. She blamed me for the incident and before I could respond, she said loudly, “we’re not friends anymore! Don’t talk to me!” I just sighed and walked away. I couldn’t handle the pressure of a second grader screaming at me and saying such bad words.
The Last Few Bits of stuff
To sum things up, friendship is important when you have friends. It’s okay if you still don’t understand the concepts yet. At least you now have a bit of info on what friendship is about if you didn’t know what it was earlier. I hope you learned something and wish you make lots of friends.