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Middle School Dating...?

Elisa Tam, Cynthia Li, Christiana Raji, and Chloe Lin

Almost everybody dates at least once in their lives. In society these days, more and more people start dating in middle school. Some people think that it is good because it can teach kids about dating and what it’s like, but others think that kids are too young to be dating in middle school. A very wise person (my older sister who’s very smart) once said something along the lines of, “You date a person with the intention or goal of marrying them.” So if you date in middle school, you are technically saying that you want to spend the rest of your life with them. We added some of our opinions and interviewed some people about their opinions.

Elisa’s Opinion (Neutral but a little against)

I don’t think people in middle school can make good decisions about dating somebody because they are still learning about the world and might not know what is best for them. I also think that they don’t really need to be dating so early in life and just focus on academics and their well being. But some of my friends are dating and some of my friends have already dated several people so good for them! I know a guy that had around 8 girlfriends by the time he was in 8th grade (one every year?) and I was a bit concerned. Only a bit… 

Christiana’s Opinion (Neutral):

Skibidi toilet, Ohio, rizz, and sigma are just a few of the examples of a brain rot that has corrupted our generation. This is just one example of our inadequacy. Dating at such a young vulnerable age can be harmful to both of the parties involved. Full maturity is not reached, at least mentally, until you are 25. That’s when your brain stops developing. Decisions can be made that are not right. Although there are some good examples of middle school dating. Discord Kittens are an example of immaturity in middle school dating. Discord Kittens are mostly girls, but these kittens are pampered by, mostly a guy, who will give them permissions in a server, nitro, or currency in games or real money. A lot of the time both of the parties or one of them is a minor. Sometimes it is an adult that is disgustingly old. Some worries about this practice is that it may be grooming a child. This phrase or practice of being or having a discord kitten got popular after the phrase “Daddy will be back on discord soon, kitten” was out. Although all the things I just mentioned are negative, this paragraph doesn’t say it’s a neutral opinion for nothing! Dating in middle school can improve self esteem, because in an ideal relationship you are being cared for, and your feelings are being heard. It can help you discover some things about yourself. For example, I have friends that are really touchy, but they learned, in a relationship, they like physical distance and would prefer to not hold hands or anything. Dating in middle school is mostly viewed as negative but it can teach some valuable lessons that can’t really be taught and absorbed verbally. For example, no one really understands the meaning of a toxic relationship unless you’re the one trapped in it, even if you see the impact of it on a friend, you will never truly understand. Middle school relationships can also teach kids how to balance a relationship and other life. For example, if you’ve never been in a relationship you might not know how to balance your relationship with other things like work, friendships, and chores. If you have a relationship in middle school, especially in 7th grade when they look at your grades, you understand that having a boy/girlfriend shouldn’t be everything. Personally, from a single, never dated someone, probably never gonna date someone until I’m like 46, I think crushes are better. Especially when you’re semi-close to that person and can spend time with them and appreciate their CHEFS KISS looks and CHEFS KISS personality. :> can’t complain ig.

Chloe’s  Opinion (Neutral):

Though dating in middle school can change you for the worse, it can also be beneficial for you. One of the biggest problems in a relationship is communication. However, if you find the right person, they’ll communicate with you just fine and they can support you through hard times. Middle school relationships can be short if you don’t communicate well, and that’s okay. You guys are still young and learning about relationships.

Cynthia’s Opinion (Neutral):

Honestly, dating in middle school can harm you but it can also help you. First off, when you get together with the right person, it can create a bond that will last forever. However, when someone breaks this trust, you will feel betrayed and hurt. I’m not saying to stay away from dating forever; you should wait until you are older and more mature to make the right decisions on people. The beneficial part of dating young is how you get to develop emotional and social rskills early on. This can help you build other relationships- not just romantic ones. In the end, you shouldn’t feel pressured to date someone just because everyone around you is. Make sure to find the right person that will be there for you and won’t break your trust!


Have you ever dated someone before?

“Yeah” -Anonymous person


“Nope” -Christiana

Have you ever been in a long relationship?




What’s your opinion on middle school dating and the maturity and impact of it all?

“Um so like middle school dating can last or not last you never know just don't get the wrong people, uhhhhhhhhhhhh I don't know just put that don't quote me on this.”

“It kinda ruins your perspective of the world and i feel like it ruined my innocence”

“Honestly, I think that middle school dating is risky. There’s a lot of not ready people and if you end up dating someone that's kinda iffy, you might end up kinda messed up.”

How did you feel in most of your relationships?

“I feel way too many emotions like, sure there’s the main one joy and happiness and at the same time you always feel stressed and embarrassed about the things I do and the way I act ”

“It’s really intense emotions, but it’s not really a good thing most of the time because most likely your emotions will do a 180 when that person does something wrong.”

“Well I’m single so… #probablyneverwill #leavemealone

How do you deal with breakups?

“I just deal with it, that’s literally it, sure it’s hard at first but trust me it’s gonna get-”

“I just deal with it. I can tell when someone’s going to break up with me so i usually just prepare for it?”

“Erm what the sigma.”

How do you know when a relationship is unhealthy or over?

“I don't know I guess you can just tell it from heart”

“You can tell by the way they talk to you and treat you”

What do you think is normal for a middle school relationship? Compare it to a relationship  an adult might have.

“Uhhh uhh so like you shouldn’t go overboard you know how do I put this in words? Stop kissing in the middle of hallways. Do what you have to do, like work, academically. Only do what’s necessary. Make sure you get your priorities straight. Don't have it too intense.”

“An adult’s relationship is a lot more steady and healthy, while a middle school relationship might not be because we’re still not developed enough and not very mature.”

“Chasing each other around the school yard and holding hands, going places with each other in the summer or something… sighs dreamily into the distance Adults are generally more mature and most of they don’t time, they don’t depend on the other party in the relationship. Most of the people in middle school that are dating think that their worth is based on if they are with that person or not. Adults are less clingy I guess?”

Editors note: saur romantic and wise

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