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Mental Health Check

Laila Duque

Over the past few years the topic on maintaining proper mental health has grown in importance. As you know, teenagers and having proper mental health is important in our school and it’s important to think about how we can improve ourselves. We may underestimate our health or put it below other priorities. Having stable mental health is just as important or even more important as grades in school. For adults, having proper mental health is curical and more important than work.

For teenagers mental health is very important, we need to notice that we need to have time for ourselves as well. You need to notice if your mental health is dwindling over time. According to the CDC website, “It affects how we think, feel, and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make healthy choices”. With this information, mental health can affect every part of your daily life so prioritizing on improving your health can benefit other parts of your life as well. To give you some more insight and data, please take a few moments to review the chart below about "Teen Mental Health"

As you can tell, studies have shown that kids, teens and young adults suffer from mental health issues. In my opinion, some way to improve your mental health is to pick up a healthy habit, some people develop a work out routine; start out with walking and develop it into a jog. Pick up creative drawing, not something that increases your stress. Take small breaks, whether you're doing a big project or doing a long assignment, take five minutes and take a mental break. It's important to take small breaks, maybe eat a snack if you’re hungry. Share your thoughts with someone you can trust, talking with others can decrease your stress, anxiety, and depression levels. Exercising daily has benefits for mental health such as making you feel happy, exercising can release endorphins and serotonin which can make you feel good.

If you feel like you are a bit down and don't know how to boost your positivity take these tips. Maintain your mental well-being and enjoy your life while taking your time, be sure to have a balanced diet and complete your task. Always make sure you have time for yourself.

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