These days, not many people read books and novels. But I’m here to rate some that I have read! (These are highly recommended books, but some are really trashy) I will add a brief summary too!
The Lost Year by Katherine Marsh

Rating: 9/10
Summary: The Lost Year is a book about a boy named Mathew, who is living with his mom and 100 year old great-grandma during Covid. He is miserable, because his dad is overseas in France, and his Switch is taken away. Worst of all, he needs to go through boxes of his GG’s past. While doing that, he finds stories on the Ukrainian famine, and how his GG is not who she really seems to be. Three cousins, two continents, one haunting secret. This book is SUPER good! It contains history and facts, and the perfect amount of realistic fiction! It is a really good read when you're bored!
A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder by Holly Jackson

Rating: 8/10
Summary: 5 years ago, the murder of popular high school senior, Andie Bell, was all everyone could talk about. They say she was murdered by her boyfriend, Sal Singh, who then killed himself. But in the present, Pippa still isn’t sure if Sal indeed did commit the crime. She knew him as a child, how could that kind boy be a killer? But as she dug deep into this mystery, she realized someone didn’t want her to find out about the real killer. Someone who could kill her too. This book is a thriller, mystery, and suspense book that will keep you at the edge of your seat right until the end! I took off two points because I don't like how it switched from third person to journal entry to interviews
Sugar and Spite by Gail D. Villanvena

Rating: 5/10
Summary: Can a bully be defeated by a magical love potion? Jolina can't take Claudine's bullying any longer! The taunts and teasing are too much. Though Jolina knows she's still in training to use her grandfather's arbularyo magic, she sneaks into his potions lab to get her revenge. This book was… interesting… I guess. There wasn't much suspense, or excitement in it. It gives fourth grader vibes✨. But other than that, it teaches compassion and respect to people. Also to not get revenge, even when you’re REALLY angry.