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  • Cynthia Li

I-Ready: Horrific or Helpful?

Has your teacher ever assigned you i-Ready lessons? You might think of them as a waste of time or annoying to do. Well, i-Ready can really help you improve your math and reading skills if you have the right mindset. However I'm not writing this article to persuade you to like i-Ready since I'm not a big fan of it myself. I just thought that it would be a fun topic to write about.

There’s a diagnostic that students have to do multiple times throughout the school year. It is long, frustrating, and difficult to do. I see the point of it, to give you lessons that are at your level, but, why do they have to cram a more than a hour test into our ELA periods? I might sound like I'm just complaining, but other students think so too.

Tobias Kang from Class 607 says: “i-Ready is bad. Because i-Ready is just bad in general. Like I would rather do IXL than i-Ready. And IXL is way worse than i-Ready.”

Chloe Pak from Class 607 says: “i-ready is annoying. When you do i-Ready, every year, they make you start with a new diagnostic. Why do they make us take a diagnostic to get up to a new level when we already got up to a level last year? If we score lower on the diagnostic then the level we got last year, then, we have to re-do lessons we already did last year and we’ll rush on the lessons. If we rush through the lessons, then, we get ‘flagged’. When we get flagged, we have to start the lesson over and eventually we get frustrated and rush again. It’s an annoying cycle that eventually leads to not even learning anything. So, what’s the point of i-Ready?”

Aira Lee from class 607 says: “i-ready doesn’t help and never improves my reading skills. It just caused me stress when I got 80 and below AND it affects my grades too much. Overall i-ready is just annoying to do.”

Eric Lee from class 607 says: “i-ready is useless and they talk too much. It is more of a distraction towards learning than it actually teaches us. I-ready is basically a boring punishment, not fun learning. Also, i-ready is a stupid name.”

Anonymous from class 607 says: “ I don’t even learn anything from I-ready. I feel like it’s a waste of time when I could be writing an essay, or working on club work. My teacher requires us to do 1 hour of Iready each week or our grade goes down. Also the lessons are really long and robotic. It doesn’t cater to everyone’s individual needs.”

Anonymous(2) from Class 820 says: “I believe iReady is alright, but it’s just a bit boring, but it is accurate and you can’t deny that.”

Anonymous(3) from 820 wishes to say, “I understand that I-ready is meant to help teachers keep track of how their students are doing, but I feel that there are better ways to do this. The website designs their lessons (especially the video lessons) to be fun and engaging but instead makes them unnecessarily long and boring. I feel like I would complete the same lesson and have the same level of understanding on the topic in a much shorter time if the characters and endless dialogue were taken away or the questions were laid out on a worksheet.”

These are all students with powerful opinions about i-Ready. What's your opinion on I-Ready? Click on this to tell us your opinion about i-Ready!


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