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  • Writer's picturePAUL NG

How To Have A Stable Relationship

Everyone wants to achieve a healthy relationship but in order to do so one has to make small sacrifices in terms of their routine and personality!

One does not want an ongoing conflict between a relationship so the best way to prevent it is to simply understand each other and to listen, for example if one is in a marriage, friendship, etc. and you are having a battle between words you must understand each other and listen to stop the conflict and continue a healthy relationship. There are 5 ways to address a conflict. First you must establish boundaries that must not be broken, respect goes for both sides of any relationship, and you should make sure that you don’t frustrate someone. Two, finding the source of the problem is useful so you don’t make any unnecessary mistakes or false accusations. Three, agree to disagree. Four, find a middle ground that allows you both to feel satisfied with the outcome. And five, try to contextualize your arguments to give each other room to express your feelings.

One also wants to be true to your thoughts in a relationship but not aggressive because you don't want the other person in the relationship to think that the relationship is not true or a bad one. In a relationship you want to be assertive in your speaking and acting which means you are true to yourself while keeping a calm, respectful and appropriate tone of voice.

This is all important information because you need a good relationship to make you and the other or others in that relationship happy to be with you.


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