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  • Khloe Toy

Great Studying Habits!

It’s always difficult to stay focused when you’re studying. Did someone text you? Why are you just studying a few notes when you could be doing something else? Well, here are some tips for studying!:

  • There are proven benefits of listening to music while studying. You focus better, feel more motivated, and improve your memory. However, it’s different for all people. Do what you think helps you stay focused.

  • Go to a place where you can stay focused. Some people (like me) focus better when there is a little bit of noise in the room. However, others find that sitting and studying in a quiet area is better for them.

  • Have simple but still detailed notes. If you have long notes, it will be a little hard to remember it all. For example, if you have a vocabulary test with definitions that is around five sentences long, you would have to simplify it, but keep the important parts. Basically, just summarize the answers.

  • Don’t skip anything. You may think that you know the answer to the question very well, but in reality, there is a chance that you don’t have a true understanding of it.

  • Write down your notes. You may feel like you study well by just reading the notes, but if you write it down, you memorize it better.

  • Prepare well. If you are going to take a test the next day, you will have to be prepared for any question you get. Memorize your notes! However, some people use websites like Quizizz to get practice, like a mock exam.

These are six great studying habits that are recommended for you to get used to. If you do these, then there is a chance that you will get a good score on your test.


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