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  • Daniel Humphries

Dear Future 7th Graders...

Dear Future 7th Graders

By: Daniel Humphries

So, you are currently in 6th grade, hopefully you have been doing all your work and next year you will be in 7th grade! I’m sure you are looking forward to the summer, but there must be some nervousness and anxiety coming back and starting 7th grade. What if your teachers are mean? What if you get ten times more work? What if you walk into the wrong class or you were not placed in a class with your friend's? There is no need to panic. This year as a 7th Grade student I have been successful. Here is some advice and wisdom from our current 7th Grade peers.

Q: What was your favorite part of seventh grade?

TigerMZ: My favorite part of seventh grade is lunch because there is no work involved and I get to have fun. Also hanging out with friends just makes school a much better experience.

Sebastian: My favorite part of 7th grade is lunch, because I like sitting next to my friends. Then, when we go outside we play handball with other people and it’s really fun.

Chrisitina: My favorite part of 7th grade is definitely making friends and being a part of clubs.

A: Personally I love band and hanging out with my friends.

Q: What parts were better than you thought they would be?

TigerMZ: When I joined band I didn’t think it was going to be anything crazy but after a while I realized that band is really fun and I will never regret joining.

Sebastian: Playing percussion in band class. I thought my playing was going to be much worse than it is, but I actually sound great!

Chrisitina: Parts that were better than I thought they would be are being liked/liking teachers, to be honest I thought I was going to hate all my teachers.

A: I thought bullying would be a massive problem and COVID since I was never in the building but my class were really chill.

Q: What parts were worse than you thought they would be?

TigerMZ: Something that is worse than I thought it would be is Spanish (no offense) as I wanted to do Spanish class because I really liked my Spanish class last year because of my teacher but instead I got another teacher.

Sebastian: 7th Grade ELA, because it's the class that gives us the most homework. Also, we had to do a lot of essays this year. It was more challenging than 6th grade by a lot.

Christina: Parts that were worse than I thought they would be are definitely keeping up with work and stress about school in general.

A: The amount of work was a lot worse, not even with school specifically but in general.

Q: What advice do you have for future seventh graders?

TigerMZ: For future 7th graders, I suggest that you work hard and never give up. Also most importantly never talk back to the teacher otherwise you are in big trouble.

Sebastian: For future 7th graders, I would definitely suggest taking this grade seriously because this is the grade where high schools take a look at your report card.

Christina: Do your work, pay attention, and don’t get caught up in drama. It's not worth stressing over for no reason, trust me.

A: Try your best and try to find a good group of friends to stick with, that makes things easier. Plus don't feel afraid to talk to teachers.

Q: Who’s your favorite teacher?

TigerMZ: My favorite teacher is Ms. Carbone, because she is a really nice teacher that always respects me and my classmates' decisions. She is also very caring and would do anything to help make learning fun.

Sebastian: My favorite teacher is Ms. Carbone because she is always here to help us in math class. She makes our learning super fun and she hosts lego robotics clubs which is so much fun as well. She is the most kind and non-strict teacher out of all my teachers this year.

Christina: There are too many to choose from.

A: I don’t really want to pick one, overall I would say make your own opinion over your teachers.

To all of you future Seventh Graders out there I hope this helped you out! Whether it be which teacher to give it your best or which teacher lean on for some extra support, I hope you feel a bit more comfortable and ready for your next year of school. And who knows, maybe one day you’ll be in the newspaper writing an article for the next generation of 7th Graders!


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