Have you ever thought about buying a gingerbread house to decorate with friends? Or maybe you want to follow the classic tradition of creating gingerbread houses only to throw them out three months after. Whatever reason why you decide to buy a gingerbread house, it is not worth it. For instance, it contributes to the million tons of food waste in the world and let's be honest, the gingerbread houses that you make are often messy and displeasing to look at.
Despite the negatives, there are some positives that follow this wasteful tradition. For example, there are many fun memories that are made when you try to use the too sweet icing to secure the structural integrity of the house. Plus, the gingerbread houses are made to entertain, not to eat. Here are some of our own opinions about gingerbread houses:
Elisa: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Or maybe that’s just because I was never able to make a decently good one. But they are expensive, a waste, and not worth it.
Iris - No, they are not worth it because although they are fun to make and you make a lot of memories with your friends and families, they honestly don’t even taste that good so you can’t eat them. At this point, many people just use hot glue as the icing since they know the house won't be eaten either way. And for the price, they are just not worth it and I think there are way more fun ways to celebrate the holidays that cost the same price as a gingerbread house. But that is just my opinion, gingerbread houses are fun to make and are a straightforward idea to do with your friends on the weekends.
Cynthia Li - I believe that gingerbread houses are worth it. Constructing houses with friends and family has been a tradition for so long that it is practically necessary to make them every year. Despite the expenses of buying one, the memories you make with your friends are worth it. I remember having my friends over and constructing a house with them. Even though the houses we made were not very appealing, we all cherish this life-long memory of laughing about how bad our houses looked. To sum up, gingerbread houses are worth it, despite having to throw them out when they start to rot.
In conclusion, gingerbread houses are NOT worth it. They are a mess to make, costly, and they taste rancid from all of the sugar. Many other fun options are less messy to do. Maybe you could invite your friends over to watch a fun movie! Not only does that cost little to nothing, it is a fun experience that can create fun memories that last a lifetime. Despite my ranting and slaughtering the life out of the poor gingerbread houses, I do believe that it is entertaining to construct and decorate them. But, because of the multiple downsides, I would want to do something that does not create much of a waste for the environment. Hmm, maybe baking cookies because I will definitely not waste them!