Cyberbullying is a problem that affects many people. When a bully uses the internet to bully others, it is classified as cyberbullying. Many people are affected by cyberbullying which hurts the other person's emotions. This could cause many people to feel threatened or unsafe. So, how can we stop cyberbullying?
To stop cyberbullying we need to stand up against cyberbullies. Many people are bystanders during cyberbullying. If we want to stand up for others we need to become upstanders. One of the most important ways to stop cyberbullying is “If you see something say something”. This is important because if we want to report bullies we need to report them when we find any cases of cyberbullying. Another important way to stop cyberbullying is by ignoring what they are doing. Cyberbullies want a reaction so if you don’t respond they will eventually stop.
So, these steps show how a person could stop cyberbullying and prevent the spread of cyberbullying. However, these steps require cooperation between many people to defend others from cyberbullying. This cooperation would create a “barrier” between bullies and victims or targets. But if we truly want to make everybody included we could help change bullies so they become more understanding and kind.
As you can see, cyberbullying is a big problem so we need to take multiple steps. These steps include being upstanders, reporting bullies, ignoring bullies, and cooperating. These are steps to protect victims from bullies, but truly stopping cyberbullying means stopping the cause. Helping everyone feel included would be the best action. This would not only stop cyberbullying but also make the world a safer place.