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Are You Taking The Hunter Test? Here are some ways to prep so you're ready!

Alana Sadikot

What is the Hunter Test?

The Hunter High School test is a test taken by kids in 6th Grade. In order to take the test you must be invited by the school. Your 5th Grade state test scores for ELA and MATH must be 4s. The test usually takes place in January and the scores come out in March. The test consists of ELA, MATH, and a writing portion. Hunter High School starts in 7th Grade in Manhattan. 

About The Test: 

  1. 3 hour test

  2. About 80 multiple choice questions with 5 answers

    1. ELA (about 50)

    2. Math (about 30)

    3. 1 writing assignment

Tips to prepare:

  1. Do Practice Exams: These are tests from previous years. This will let you get the feel of how to take the test.

  2. Practice Writing Prompts: These are also prompts from previous years. When taking the test, in the end there will be a writing section. Your writing must be good enough for you to get into the school.

  3. Use the Kweller Prep Book: This book includes all the topics that may occur on the test, including Math, ELA, and writing sections.

  4. Review the Tips on the Hunter Website: Hunter has posted tips on taking the test and on the writing portion as well.

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