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What Does Your Future Hold?

Amrita Hans

It’s so hard thinking about what we will do in our future. For example, what are our accomplishments? What about your career? What do you love to do in the future? I know the future seems far from now.. but things that you're doing right now in middle school might affect what your career will be, they will affect what you tend to love to do, and middle school will affect your social skills and friend group. So you might be thinking.. What does your future hold? How can you be the best version of yourself to start building up who you will be? This article might help you take action and become one step closer to working to your fullest potential. Fill out this short 3 question multiple choice form:

Now that you have filled out the form, lets reflect on your response.

If you replied that you prefer Social Studies more than the other subjects listed, maybe you want to be a political scientist (they help solve political problems and research the effects of government policies of a particular region or population. They do this domestically, which means they do this inside of their country, and internationally, which means everywhere outside of your country). Maybe you want to be an economist (they help the legislative branch by analyzing data on employment, worker productivity, and wages). You could even be a historian (they study the past by looking at documents and material objects. You would help a lot by discovering more about the past). 

If you think that math is your favorite subject, then maybe you want to be a doctor (someone who saves lives by studying the human body and prescribing people with medicine that can help them. You could also perform operations on people.) Maybe you want to be a research analyst (“A research analyst is responsible for researching, analyzing, interpreting, and presenting data related to markets, operations, finance/accounting, economics, customers, and other information related to the field they work in.”- CFI). You could even be a computer programmer (someone who uses programming languages to write, test, and maintain code). These are just some possibilities! 

Did you prefer ELA over any other subject? You might want to be a college professor or teacher (they teach students and help them build their future! They are really helpful). You could be an author (they make stories to read. You could be the next J.K Rowling! You could make books to persuade your audience, inform your audience, entertain your audience, or even to express feelings). A TV reporter is also a great job to have (Someone who writes news articles or who broadcasts news reports). 

Is science what you enjoy? You could be a biologist (a scientist who focuses on living organisms, including plants and animals). You could be a chemist (A chemist is a person that studies and specializes in chemistry). You could be a forensic science technician (aid criminal investigations by collecting and analyzing evidence).

These are just thoughts of what you could possibly be when you grow up.. and it’s overwhelming! Maybe you want to be an athlete, a doctor, a lawyer, an artist, a singer, a dancer, maybe you even want to be an engineer! So many possibilities and you get to choose.

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