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The last state exam of the year!

Sam Ro and Jayden Yang

The Math State Test just commenced and many 7th graders are stressed due to how important it is to try and achieve a good grade. We hope that in order to try and get the best grade you possibly can, you practice and prepare. How I prepared for the exam was by printing out old tests, and answering the questions on these previous exams. By doing this, you can get a feel for what types of questions are going to pop up on the real thing, and it warms up your brain so you can be in your best condition when the time comes. One of my strong perspectives is if you complete 2 or 3 of these packets over the weekend, it will definitely help you improve your grades than you would have otherwise. Also, an idea next year is to seek peer tutoring from NJHS members. You can go to the table during lunch to get that extra bit of practice before the test. It may not seem like much, but the little extra studying goes a long way.

The advice mentioned by my peer is very effective and can benefit all students. In my opinion I feel like there’s no real correct way to study for state tests and SHSAT/SAT due to the fact that you don’t really know what type of questions there will be in the State test. However, you can prepare for it by printing out state test packets everyday and doing a question set. If that’s too extreme for your schedule, you can do it during breaks or the weekend. You should also try to ask your parents into going to prep or after school. That can help because they can tutor you with things you may not know because in the state test there could be things you might not know. That's my advice on what you can do to finish the state test with confidence you have a high score you are proud of.

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