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The different blood types humans possess

Josephine Zhang

Did you know that there are 8 different blood types? There’s blood types AB-negative, B-negative, AB-positive, A-negative, O-negative, B-positive, A-positive, O-positive. Some things in your daily life are because of what blood type you are.

Biological siblings have a possibility of not having the same blood. An example for this is if their parents' genotypes are AO and BO, their children's blood type could be A,B,AB, or O.

Blood type O is expected to have a longer life expectancy. Blood type O is one of the fattest blood types.  Blood type O has the lowest risk of having heart attacks, blood clots in the lungs and legs, thrombosis, and strokes. Blood type O is confident, optimistic, self-determined, and strong willed. Blood type O-positive is the most common blood type; it is about 37% of the population. Blood type O-negative is about 7% of the population, which is rarer than blood type O-positive.


Blood type A has 50% less chance of getting a mosquito bite compared to blood type O because to mosquitoes blood type A blood tastes bad. If you are blood type A, you have increased risks of smallpox. Blood type A is one of the blood types that have 82% more increased risks of cognition, memory problems, blood clots, heart attacks, and strokes. Most murders and frauds are from people with blood type A-Positive. Evidence shows that blood type A is the oldest or most ancient blood type. Blood type A is clever, passionate, sensitive, cooperative, friendly, and kind. 32% of the population is blood type A-Positive. 6% of the population is blood type A-negative.

Blood type B is another one of the blood types that have higher risks 82% more increased risks of blood clots, heart attacks, strokes, cognition, and memory problems They are also another one of the fattest blood types. If you have blood type B you can donate blood to blood types B-Positive , AB-Positive. You can only receive blood from blood types B-Positive, B-Negative, O-Positive ,O-Negative if you are in the blood type group B. Blood type B is important because it can treat people with sickle cell disorder and thalassemia who need regular transfusions. Blood type B is expected to live longer. The negative traits of blood type B is that they can be more selfish or uncooperative and stubborn at times. Blood type B has the fastest brain and an active imagination. Blood type B-Positive is 11% of the population. Blood type B-Negative is 2% of the population.


Blood type AB is also another one of the blood types that are 82% more likely to develop cognition and memory problems. They also have higher risk of stroke and inflammation. Luckily they can receive blood from any blood donors, they are known as universal recipients. Blood type AB has the highest IQ compared to all the other blood types. Blood type ABs are creative and rational. Blood type AB-Positive is 4% of the population. Blood type AB-negative is 1% of the population. Blood type AB-Negative is one of the rarest blood types, but wait till you read about the next blood type.

Blood type Rh-null is the rarest blood type known to man. It is known as the “Golden Blood” because of how rare it is. This blood type has less than 50 individuals on the surface of Earth! The first people seen with this blood type were the Aboriginal Australians. If you have this rare blood type you may have some troubles with finding blood donors or for organ transplants. If you are ever pregnant with Rh-null blood or any rare blood you may suffer complications. The life expectancy of a Rh-null-Negative is 64.3 months!

What blood type do you have? Do you think you are lucky to have an amazing blood type? Do you like to stick in or stand out?

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