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The 7th Grade Science Field Trip to the Hall of Science!

Oscar Chen and Liam Kuang

About the Field Trip!

The 7th grade classes have a field trip to the Hall of Science, which is a science museum located at 47-01 111th St, Corona, NY 11368. The trip is free. If you want to buy food there, you will need to bring your own money. Students can bring their own brown bag lunch, or a cold school lunch will be provided. The trip coordinator is Ms. Weisser. The purpose of this trip is to watch the "Super Human Body System" movie and to explore all the exhibits at the Hall of Science.

When are we going to the Hall of Science, and where is it?

The 7th graders are going to the Hall of Science on May 21st, 2025. We will leave at 9:00 AM and return at 2:00 PM. On field trips, we are always at school for first and last period.

What if you don’t sign up for the Hall of Science?

If you don’t sign up to go to the Hall of Science, the 7th graders will have to attend 6th grade classes. Not going to lie, going to the 6th grade classes sounds pretty cool, but the trip will be very fun!

How do you sign up for the field trip?

To sign up, you need to sign the permission slip from either Ms. Bak or Ms. Weisser. You must include your name, your class, your parent's phone number, and your parent's signature. You can also allow your parents to join the class trip. There is only 1 parent allowed for every 10 students. You will need an envelope to show that your parents can attend the field trip. The deadline to sign up is March 14th, 2025. To find out more information about the NY Hall of Science and what they offer, go on their website:

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