Let's face it, we have all experienced anxiousness and stress. How about after walking into class and hearing your teacher announce that you have a test the following week. It is like a rollercoaster of stress and anxiety that goes through your head. Later, when you take the actual test, that anxiety affects your ability to focus and concentrate! The pressure to get a good grade makes it harder to focus and recall information about the unit, especially with students who have learning disabilities like ADHD.
Have no fear in this article we will talk about effective strategies for managing stress and anxiety when testing so you can get a 100!
1. Plan ahead
Start studying, create a study schedule, and study with your friends! Being well-prepared before the test can help reduce test-related stress and by planning, you'll feel more confident in your abilities.
2. Practice breathing exercises
Even though it may not seem much, taking a few deep breaths can be effective. These simple breaths can help relax your body so you can stay more focused while reading the directions and questions.
3. Have a healthy eating and sleep routine
According to Matthew J. Kuchan, a senior research scientist at Abbott, “Eating a healthy diet can reduce the negative effects of stress on your body." When you develop a good and healthy diet, it gives your body the energy it needs to get through the test. It is also important to get enough sleep each night and to sleep around the same time each night. You’ll feel more energized for the test by developing good sleep and eating habits.
4. Taking breaks
Taking breaks during studying and on test days can be important when staying focused and reducing stress. Listen to music, hang out with your friends, go for a walk, all of these activities can help manage your stress and anxiety!
5. Use test-taking strategies
Figure out what strategies fit you best, like taking practice tests, creating good study habits beforehand, reading the directions carefully, or doing the easy questions first. By having a plan like this already prepared in your mind, it can help you relax and reduce your anxiety.

Having anxiety during a test is normal! It may throw you off but knowing the right strategies can improve your grade and help. The next time you have a test, remember to maintain a healthy eating and sleep routine beforehand, take breaks when studying, and plan and practice breathing exercises. This way, you'll have a guaranteed A!