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Short Story: The Wraths of the Gods

Samantha Chu, Ria Janiña Camasura and Cristal Zhou

It all started when the forgotten gods started to rebel, I mean, what would you do if the mortals all forgot about you? Only worshiping the more well known gods and goddesses such as Zeus, Hera, Artemis, Hades, and Poseidon. You would never hear the end of it at family gatherings, but what happened to the gods and goddesses such as Morpheus, Selene, Nemesis, Phobos and Deimos, Eos and many more that I won’t be naming.

You might know me as a god who isn’t well known either, but has an important role to keep the peace. You might have thought Hades was the god of death, but in reality he’s only the god of the underworld and my employer, the REAL god of death is me, Thanatos.

You might be wondering why I am informing you mere mortals about this since, I am normally, one of the so-called “ forgotten gods. ” The answer is simple, this way there will be more death involved, which means I get to collect more souls so I can get more days off. You might think “oh, this is selfish,” but, I have my own reasons why I do this. After all, I’m not a big fan of death in general, even though collecting souls is my job, doesn’t mean I enjoy it.

Thanatos… Come quickly, you are needed… Please.

God damn it… I’ve been having the same dream over and over again and I don’t know what to do about it. I’m currently blaming Iris, the goddess of rainbows and the other messenger god(dess), as it’s very possible that she could be partly at fault for my strange new dreams. Iris…. An idea formed in my head, one that could prove my suspicions and could help me discover what this strange phenomenon is about ( I haven’t had an experience like this since forever.)

This is when my journey to Hecate’s Island begins, where the only known cult of Iris is located. Hecate’s Island is probably where she lies, but to get there I’ll need a mortal's help. This is going to be a difficult task as the quote on quote “ Forgotten Gods ” rampage on trying to be known and worshiped, to be feared by all. Now it’s time to choose the perfect mortal to lead me on this journey. The thing is, I don’t know a thing about mortals and where to find them.

Time to back track, despite the fact that I don’t know anything about mortals doesn’t mean that anyone else doesn’t know anything about them. Prometheu, the one who made the mortals in the first place, he could help me find the perfect mortal to “ borrow ” for this epic journey, this is going to be an eventful journey ahead for the three of us.

“ No. ” This abrupt answer would ruin my hopes of finding what those strange voices were talking about, but I won’t let it.

“ Please try to rethink your answer Prometheu, this could help a lot and the underworld would greatly appreciate this. ”

“ I already made up my mind, I’m not getting involved with a god's business again. ” Prometheu responded, “...ever again. ”

If you’re wondering why Prometheu might be acting like this, it might be when Zeus took away the abilities mortals had of making fire, Prometheu stole it and returned it to the mortal and he was punished for that. But I needed him for this journey, after all it would be a waste since I already told Hades about my long absence and that I had to spend some of my time off that acquired over the last few centuries.

“ Prometheu, ” I said in a steady tone, “ either you are coming with me to find a mortal to help me and come along during the journey or just find a mortal to help me and leave, those are the only 2 options currently available to you. ” He stared at me for a moment, 2 or 3 seconds passed, he then said,

“ You are really persistent God of Death , ” with an awkward pause he said “ Okay... Fine, on one condition. “.

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