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Responsibility- what does it mean to adolescents?

Abigail Mo

Responsibility-a word that has such a heavy impact and meaning on our generation.

What does "Responsibility" mean to young adults? 

This is a very fitting topic, as the eighth graders in our school are currently learning about our adolescence and the yearning for more responsibility and freedom in HMH.

However, what does responsibility mean in our community at Marie Curie? Personally, there are many responsibilities expected of young scholars including grades being kept up, and excelling in extracurriculars. As an eighth grader, there seems to be much more daunting things on our mind-to name a few..

  • SHSAT (phew, that’s a big one)

  • Regents (the amount of time I have spent stressing..)

  • High School Applications (do I even have to elaborate?)

  • Art Portfolios (Lag, Frank Sinatra. Etc etc.)....To name a few.

    • These things are the main causes of B.O.E.G, burnt out eighth graders!

Thankfully, there is an amazing tool we can always turn to-the adults in our school community-which I have personally found to be very supportive.  As we grow older, the road is filled with more responsibilities, and knowing who can help you is a great way to face them head on. I have spent many a lunch period getting help with math, or confiding in a trusted seventh grade teacher, or even finding amazing book recommendations from our librarian. School is a place of comfort. Responsibility is a weight on all of our shoulders that we shouldn’t and don’t have to bear alone. 

Another responsibility that we have as the next generation of leaders, we have a moral obligation to our community to try our best to help others. That for me, is a big part of why I joined civics-to know that I could help our community, even in the slightest way is a big responsibility. Take for example, the sharing closet! Something I bought up with the soapbox speech, and something the whole civics club worked really hard to establish is a great example of responsibility. A community working together to do something that can benefit the community is what responsibility means to me. To have and uphold duties entrusted to me, but also relying on people around me for support.

If you asked me, to sum up the majority of responsibilities adolescents face, it would be taking care of little siblings, (or even big ones) walking a fine line between listening to our elders, and also knowing how to maintain and keep under control situations ourselves. In Marie Curie specifically, it’s tutoring our peers, knowing when to get help, not causing utter chaos in the cafeteria (cough cough), and trying not to drive our teachers to the brink of insanity. Not just taking care of little siblings, but setting a good example for them to look up to.  Easier said than done, but you know who you can turn to, and that provides me comfort.How about you? What responsibilities do you have trouble facing, and what helps you? 

Let Us know in the google form below!

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