3 2 1..Happy New Year! Wow it’s 2025, now what? Well, every year we try to make a New Year’s resolution, but it's way too hard and complicated. So, let's start simple, but how? In this article we’ll teach you all the steps to having a good New Year’s. Here are some examples:
Try to be kind
Get better grades
Sleep for a healthy, and comfortable time
Learn how to crochet
Try reading more often
Go for a nice run every day (or when you can)
Manage your screen time better
Join a club
Listen to an artist you would typically reject
Lose your unhealthy friendships
Eat healthier (Don’t eat less just more healthy food)
Make new friends
Don’t spend all your time one just one activity
Accept other people’s differences
Learn how to cook or bake
Take the time to learn how to do skincare
Exercise daily (for at least 1 hour)
Drink more water
These are some important things to work towards throughout the year. You don’t need to do all of these or really any of these resolutions; you can create your own resolutions instead. But always make sure when choosing a resolution make sure it’s not too far fetched and follow through on it. Good luck and Happy New Year!