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Managing Stress: Ways to Prep for Tests

Christiana and Cynthia

Congratulations! You’ve made it through the first month of school. If your teachers are like mine, you most likely have gotten a quiz in the second week and ever since that, the work has been piling up. The burden of heaving work, and anticipating the next test/quiz will get you feeling overwhelmed and stressed. However, when you are done reading this article, you might learn a few things or two that can help you succeed on your next exam! 


  • Try different studying methods and find one that works for you.

By finding your own studying method, you can find the most efficient and effective way to retain information. For some people that might be a mind map for visual learners, or active recall for people who struggle with remembering information.

  • Don’t cram all of your studies into the day before the test; space it out.

When you cram your brain finds it harder to retain information because it is getting so much information quickly. By spacing out your work you allow your brain time to retain the knowledge.

  • Get enough rest.

Getting adequate sleep helps your brain improve the retention and recall of information. In addition, you’ll feel better mentally when you get a full night of sleep, making you less cranky and more energized to take a test.

  • Have a positive mindset.

A positive mindset keeps you calm and focused throughout the test. Always keep in mind that your grades don’t define you as a person and that no one is perfect. If you get a grade that you weren’t hoping for, just know that you will learn from your past mistakes and do better on future assignments.

  • Eat a well-balanced breakfast.

Carbs and proteins help with the retention and recall of information. Similarly to having a good sleep schedule, following a healthy diet can improve brain and mental health. By fueling your body with nutrients, you will feel more energized and be able to focus better.

  • Form a Study Group.

Study Groups help to not procrastinate, they motivate you and help gain a better understanding of all the different viewpoints. However, it may be a distraction when you study with your friends, so you have to find the right people who will help you reach your goals.

  • Stay focused and on-task. 

It may be hard to be productive when there are a bountiful amount of distractions. This includes electronics, relationships, etc. To achieve great results, you would have to find a balance between your academics and your own life. If you are distracted every day and don’t have time to study, you may find yourself struggling to maintain good grades in class. 

To have a better understanding of how to find your studying style to succeed, we interviewed a few of our fellow students to see how they study and manage stress; during and after a test.

How do you study for tests?

“I usually go over the notes I’ve taken or I go over the previous quizzes to study or the previous homework’s.” - Eshal Imam

“So sometimes when I don't procrastinate, I look over my notes and read them. Then I might try to make a study guide out of them; but most of the time that doesn’t happen.”- Gabriel Nuxoll

“I write down everything we studied in class on another piece of paper and try to memorize  it.” - Tyler Gong

“Memorizing every question on the review stuff to make sure I’m prepared for the test.” - Cougar Morimoto Zheng

How do you manage stress during a test?

“During a test if I’m really stressed out. I leave the test alone for a few minutes to try to get myself back together because it doesn’t do anything worrying about the test.”-Eshal Imam

“I don’t manage stress because I’m super slow and I can’t put the test away. I manage stress after I finish the test.” -Gabriel Nuxoll

“I usually just breathe in and out and think about my good moments to try to put my mind off the stress. ”- Tyler Gong

“I don’t.” - Cougar Morimoto Zheng

As you can see there is no “golden study method” that works for all. Different people learn differently. We hope that with this article you find your method, or get motivated to find it! Keep these tips in mind, the next time you are stressed about an upcoming test. We can guarantee that you will succeed, but only if you work for it!

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