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How are you doing in school so far?

Oliver Ng

The first marking period of school has just ended! (Yay!) And with that, the second marking period begins (Yay?). As we start the second marking period, here is something to consider, whether you got great or great grades in the first marking period. 

Now you may have noticed that I said ‘whether you got “great or great” grades.’ This is because no matter what grade you got, it’s still good! You shouldn’t be harsh on yourself because you might have gotten an 85% in ELA, while back in elementary school, you’ve always gotten 100%. Just because you’re not doing as well as you were a few months ago, doesn’t mean that you are going to fail or be  a horrible ELA student. The grade decrease could just be from a spike in the curriculum. It is very common for students to have a “sharp drop” in their grades between 5th grade to 6th grade, or even throughout middle school! 

If your grade did drop, there are many ways that you could bring it back up in marking period 2! For example, to improve your grade, you could try to study a lot for all of the tests you get during the marking period. Of course this doesn’t mean that you should be studying 24/7 or the entire day before it, it just means you should try to study an extra 20-30 minutes. You can also ask your teacher what you need to improve on, or for help on what you’re struggling with. Remember, no one is perfect, and not everyone is the best at everything! You might be great at math, but your friend might struggle at it, likewise, your friend might be great at ELA and you might struggle. This leads me to my third way to improve your grade, working with others that excel at the subject. This will boost not only your grade, but also your understanding of the subject, communication skills, and friendship with the other student(s) you worked with.

In conclusion, you shouldn’t worry if you didn’t do the best in the first marking period, if you didn’t, you can do many things to boost it up to where you want it. This includes extra studying, asking your teacher extra questions, and asking others to help you. I hope everyone is satisfied with their grade, and that my tips help!

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