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Find a new hobby, try learning the violin!

Elisa Tam

Many people these days play an instrument, but if you don't, maybe consider learning one! Playing an instrument helps improve memory, coordination, cognitive abilities, and reading abilities. The violin is one of the easiest instruments to learn, and is very popular with beginners. From experience, the violin is a great instrument to learn, and is fun to play with other instruments either as a duet or in an orchestra. Since it is such a popular instrument, it is also easy to find a violin teacher! I would recommend getting a private teacher, as group lessons limit the time the teacher can help you. Plus, playing the violin for an hour burns approximately 170 calories, which is close to the amount of calories you burn while walking for an hour!

History of the violin

In the 15th century, the viola da braccio (kind of like a violin) and viola da gamba (kind of like a cello) were invented. These were really important instruments during the Renaissance period, but were replaced over time as modern violins were developed. The oldest existing modern violin was believed to be invented around 500 years ago, by Andrea Amati in Italy. There is also the baroque violin, and it is played differently than how the modern violin is played. It was invented during the baroque period, which was from 1600-1750. Many composers wrote sonatas and concertos for the violin during the Classical period, which was from around 1750-1820. Many big changes, like the chin rest, were made to the violin during the Classical period that made the violin like the ones we play now. 3 of the strings were made out of sheep gut, while 1 string was made out of steel and gut in the Romantic period, which was around 1798-1837. In the 20th century, people started to play on steel strings, and in 1970, synthetic strings were created by Thomastick-Infeld. These are the strings that are the most widely used today.

Parts of the violin

The violin is made of 4 strings, E, A, D, and G, with E being the highest and G the lowest. For tuning the violin, there are 4 pegs and 4 fine tuners, but professionals usually only have 4 pegs and 1 fine tuner. The place where you put your fingers is the fingerboard, there are two f-holes (where the sound comes out), a chin rest, and a bridge. Despite it being called a chin rest, you don’t really put your whole chin on it; just a little. I would recommend playing with a shoulder rest because it makes it more comfortable. There are 9 different sizes: 1/64, 1/32, 1/16, 1/10, 1/8, 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, 4/4. The smallest violin size is 1/64, and the biggest size is 4/4. You play with a bow, which is made out of wood, nylon, and horse hair. You can also make sound by plucking strings, and that is called pizzicato. I play with a carbon fiber bow, which is pretty similar to a wooden bow, except that they are lighter. Rosin is something you put on the hairs of the bow in order to have a firmer grip on the strings, and are made of sap from trees. Violins are usually made out of spruce, willow, maple, ebony and rosewood. They look really pretty!

My Experience

I started playing the violin in 1st grade, when I was around 7 years old. My parents told me and my sister to choose an instrument to start learning, since they started learning at a young age as well. I decided to play the violin. The first couple lessons were fun and new, because I was a little kid and everything was new. As the music got harder and harder, it took more effort and work. It was super frustrating many times, but once I got a new technique or piece down, it was satisfying! I learned that sometimes you need a push from someone in order for something to click. Each teacher has different methods, and I am grateful that my teacher is a good teacher. In terms of difficulty, violin isn’t that hard to start playing, but there are constantly new techniques, notes, and rhythms that have to be learned and worked on. Lastly, PRACTICE!!! Nobody likes being stuck in the same place or being yelled at by teachers because you didn’t practice. Violin is fun, and it helps to have something to do when you are really bored.

Interesting Facts

  • Albert Einstein played the violin to brainstorm for ideas.

  • Antonio Vivaldi’s Summer from The Four Seasons is so overplayed.

  • The fiddle and violin are the same instruments. They are different because they are played in different styles of music.

  • The most expensive violin in the world is The Messiah Antonio Stradivari violin-it’s worth $20 million!

  • The part of the bow you use to slide across the strings is made up of nylon and horse hair, and usually has 150-200 hairs.

  • Violin strings used to be made up of sheep gut!

  • There are electric violins, but they still need some work.

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