“ Shein haul!” “Check out this cool, cheap, stuff off Temu!” “___ aesthetic is out, ___ is in” These are probably phrases you've heard often (unless you are old like Mr. Ng and never heard of these new terms or at least something along the lines of these) on apps like Tiktok, or Instagram. This type of content promotes fast fashion, a trend in which people get large quantities of clothing for a cheap price. This sounds good on paper, but like all “good things,” it comes with a price. As a result of the demand for such a large amount of clothing, companies such as SHEIN exploit their workers. The trend is also bad for the environment, as the cheap clothing is often thrown out soon after, since it's no longer “trendy” according to influencers, and there's a newer trend that people should buy into instead. Let's further explore the dangers of fast fashion.

Fast fashion also uses child labor and low-skilled workers due to the demand for cheap clothing. Although fast-fashion is most likely going to stay for a while, there are charities that are trying to stop or lower the demand for cheap clothing. One of the main charities is called “Fashion Takes Action (FTA)”, a non-profit organization established in 2007 working towards educating, and creating awareness of the effect of fast-fashion. You don’t need to make a charity to take action against fast-fashion though, there are many easy ways you can do to help. Such as donating or upcycling, thrift shopping, or even taking better care of your clothes!

Fast fashion started particularly in Asia, where they would give low pay to their workers as retailers began exporting to other countries such as America. But how is fast fashion an issue? Well it introduced pollution such as the emission of greenhouse gas, overusing non-renewable resources, as well using high amounts of water and energy. Fast fashion has been notorious for causing a bunch of microplastics to get into the ocean.
Fast fashion, buying clothes online for the CHEAPEST prices ever but unnecessary. Ruining what has been considered fashion. This can be addicting because many aren’t realizing that getting many things for cheap prices are actually draining their pockets instead of saving them money. As a victim myself, make sure to look out for micro trends.
To find out more about Fast Fashion feel free to click this link https://goodonyou.eco/what-is-fast-fashion/