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Congratulations to Student Government and the Marie Curie 158 Spelling Bee Champ

Gabriel Nuxoll

In early November, Marie Curie 158 voted for and elected members for the 2023/2024 Student Government.

  1. Congratulations to Elaine Sun of Class 701 for being elected to be the NEW president of Student Government!

  2. Congratulations to Mia Moor of Class 602 for being the NEW Vice President for Student Government!

  3. Congratulations to Chloe Lin of Class 705 for being the NEW Secretary for Student Government!

  4. Congratulations to Zora Chen of Class 705 for being the NEW Treasurer for Student Government!

Congratulations to all of you and I hope you have a great time with your roles in Student Government and have a great time! One of these days, the newspapers will reach out for exclusive interviews, we hope to write stories about you in the future.

On November 21st, our school held the spelling bee and here are the results:

  • In 3rd Place we have… Austin Jiang of Class 603! Now let’s give this student a HUGE round of Applause!!

  • In 2nd place we have… Winnie Chen of Class 704!! Let’s give this student a HUMONGOUS round of applause!! WOOOOO!!!!

  • Now… 1st place… proud to say from my own class.. we have… ANSON CHANG OF CLASS 706!!!

LET’S GIVE HIM THE BIGGEST ROUND OF APPLAUSE AND LUCK FOR THE DISTRICT 26 SPELLING BEE!! We hope you all have a great year and Anson, we wish you luck on the next spelling bee! Thank you to all the runner-ups who worked their way up the scale and we hope you all win next year in your classrooms!

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