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Clubs and Classes in M.S.158 You Should Understand!

Oscar Chen and Liam Kuang

Foreign Language 

Foreign Languages include Mandarin and Spanish. You could take a foreign language proficiency exam which you could have extra-credit in high school and have more advanced classes. In 6th grade you will take both of these languages for 5 months while 7th grade will pick a language (between heritage or beginner) and will stay with that same language for 8th grade as well.

Fine Arts

Fine arts include dance, band, vocal and art. In sixth grade they will choose one of these fine arts. They will choose fine arts. In art you will draw and use different equipment such as paint, pencil, oil pastels and more equipment. In chorus you will practice singing with sheet music and worksheets. Also, in band you will use brass, wind, and percussion instruments.  Dance is just choreography. What are their passions? Some people want to go to LaGuardia or Frank Sinatra for high school for the ARTS.


The FELLA’S club is a club that meets every Thursday at 2:20 pm to 3:30pm. Peers meet to talk about problems with one another. We share how our day is going. One activity we recently talked about was on Thursday November 21st. The FELLAS self-reflected on their report cards. Each student gave themselves a glow and grow. Mr. Ng reviewed the report cards with each student and asked where they could improve going forward. The eighth graders talked about the SHSAT and also Ms. Ng will give out candy in class (but it is not eaten in the classroom only as we leave the building.) 

Science CLUB

Science Club is led by Ms. Peretz and other science teachers. The Science club will meet every Tuesday and when you go to the Science Club you will be studying science. The Science Club will sell snacks for a fundraiser to compete in different science events in different schools.


MATHCOUNTS is led by Mr. Sampson. They practice advanced math such as algebra for high schools. If the more advanced people want to tutor, they can tutor students during lunch. It is an afterschool program. The meeting date will be announced soon.

Robotics CLUB

Robotic Club is the Lego and Coding Club created by Ms. Oliveira and Ms. Carbone. The process of getting into it is super hard. You will need to do a Google Form and a Permission Slip to get into the club. If your name gets spun by a wheel and it lands on you, you will be in the Robotics Club! You will be lucky if you get in! The Robotics Club meets every Wednesday!

The Curious Times/Newspaper Club  

The Curious Times is the student driven school newspaper. We meet every Friday led by Mr. Ng. During our meeting we write about anything we want. It will take place from 2:20pm to 3:30pm. We write anything about the school, world, problems, opinions, or ourselves in the newspaper. Mr. Ng will post it on the Curious Times (which is what you are reading) and you can read it with this link:

Civics Club

The Civics Club will meet every Monday and if it is a holiday they will meet Tuesday. The Civics Club talks about debating. Sometimes they will go on a soapbox speech in an assembly which you might see some this year.

Student Government 

Student Government is a club that students who are looking forward to making a positive impact in the school. Student Government created by Ms. Coogan this year. This year President is Ellie Kim in Class 808, this year Vice President is Cougar Morimoto-Zheng in Class 807, this year secretary is Priyanka Wadhwa in class 621, and this year treasurer is Zhengyilan Fang (Elaine) in Class 707.

Asian Cultural Club 

Asian Cultural Club is a club created by Ms. Wang and Ms. Cheng. They will meet every Tuesday. They will do activities like the Outdoor Olympics or the Thanksgiving Tree. They will also take attendance. If they take attendance, and their name gets picked from the jar, they will get a goodie bag. Sometimes they will take a field trip such as the Yasaiya Shabu Shabu restaurant. Shabu Shabu is a Japanese dish of pieces of meat cooked quickly with vegetables in boiling water and then dipped in sauce.

Marie Curie Spanish Club

The Spanish club is a club created by Ms. Vinas and Mr. Tejada. They will meet every Tuesday. They will do activities and have fun. Last year they had a field trip to the movie theater.

Marie Curie Basketball Team

The Basketball Team tryouts are Tuesday November 19th for girls. For boys, the basketball tryouts are on Thursday and Friday on November 21st and 22nd! The boy basketball team who made it to the final will be on November 22nd. In the Basketball Team 

Marie Curie Theater Club

What’s this year's Musical? The first clue is in a world where the ordinary meets the extraordinary. The second clue where the living and the dead collide. The third clue is that the musical is a bit spooky and a lot of fun! Get ready for… Beetlejuice Jr. ! Save the date for Wednesday December 4th 2024 interest meeting for the cast and Thursday December 5th 2024 script read. To get your permission slips for the interest meeting, meet Ms. Carlucci in Room 110 or Ms. Allen in Room 125. For the set design meeting on December 4th, get your permission slips for the set design interest meeting from Ms. Abamont (Room 330).

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