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3...2..1...We’ve got the Juice…the BEETLEJUICE! 

Cynthia Li, Michelle Garcia, Abigail Mo

Announced recently, the 2025 Marie Curie Middle School theater club is performing the show, Beetlejuice Jr. Whether you’re living or dead, both blend together in this odd ball of a show! The junior version was released 2 months ago, as the original version and movie had been a massive hit, created on May 30th, 1988 . The beloved movie was then adapted into a hit musical, leading us to the present day. The musical selected was Beetlejuice! Let's find out more about our school musical by interviewing Ms. Allen, the director of the theater club!


Q: What were the determining factors in deciding the show?

A: “We thought that it would be a fun show that the cast and audience would enjoy. The junior version came out recently, we thought it'd be cool because it's brand new. The movie also came out recently, which was another factor in our decision.”

Q: What do you look for most in a cast member?

A: “Obviously, the performance piece, we listen to their voice, acting skills, dancing skills. We also want people that are gonna embrace the sense of community that one should have in the cast. We also look for people that can show that they can make the commitment attending rehearsals.

Q: How do you decide who to cast for certain characters?

A: They need to have the vocal range of the songs the character sings. During the acting callback, we have them read for the character they were considering them for to see if they're able to embody the character we were considering them for.

 What challenges are you worried about facing this year?

A: “People comparing the show to the movie, a lot of people are familiar with the storyline. The junior version is also brand new, so no one has really performed it yet. We have to pave the way in that sense.”

Q: What is the best part of directing a show?

A: “Working with the cast, I get to know students I don't have in the chorus, and also get to know my chorus students better. When we spend so much time with each other working towards a big goal, we get to bond. It's also nice to see the cast bond with one another, it's a nice experience as a whole.

Make sure to grab a permission slip from Ms. Allen’s room if you’re interested in participating. Everyone is anticipating this show. Let's all add to it by buying a ticket, or trying out best at rehearsals! Remember, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, and Beetlejuice!

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