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Which dog breed is best fit for you?

Josephine Zhang

Have you ever thought about getting a pet dog? You can easily find your perfect match after knowing these facts! There are many different dog breeds to get to know!

One breed to get to know is a very popular breed, the Bichon Frise.

The Bichon Frises are known for being emotional support pets. A great reason to have a bichon is because they don't shed. Male bichons are more bold and playful. Females are more reserved and independent. Females can be a bit stubborn when it comes to training, while sometimes they are in a great mood for a productive and successful training session. But female bichons are calmer than male bichons. Bichons are playful yet calm. Overall, bichons can be a very sociable dog and if left alone can be destructive and anxious. They will thrive in an environment where people are home to accompany them. If you ever decide to get a bichon frise, a great idea would be to get another dog to accompany the bichon, but getting two bichons from the same litter would not be recommended. The average lifespan of a bichon frise is 14-16 years and if they are extra healthy, they can live up to 20 years! The personalities of bichon frises are that they are playful, cheerful, feisty, affectionate, sensitive, and gentle. The two breeds that make up a Bichon are Water Spaniel and the standard poodle. Bichons rank 45th most intelligent dog.


Another breed to get to know is the Poodle.

Similar to bichons, poodles also don't shed. Poodles are known as “the water splashing dog” because the original poodle was a waterdog and the word poodle is from the word “pfudel” in German which means puddle. Male poodles can be more playful, active, territorial, affectionate, lovable, and trusting. Females are more independent and they are less likely to tolerate other pets. Male dogs are considered to be friendlier than female dogs. There are three sizes for poodles: standard, toy, and miniature. Poodles will have separation anxiety when they are away from their owner for too long. Poodles will normally prefer humans over other dogs. Poodles put their paws on you because they are showing affection, are in pain, or are anxious. Poodles are one of the smartest breeds. The personality of a poodle is intelligent, active, instinctual, alert, trainable, faithful. Poodles tend to bond with everyone in the house although most dogs pick a favorite person in the household. A simple belly rub could win their affection, but they will still show affection to the other household members. Its lifespan is 12-15 years. The poodle's ancestors included the Barbet, which is an extinct French water dog, and the Hungarian Water Hound. Poodles are ranked second for most intelligent dog breeds!

Shiba Inus are known for having amazing and alert instincts.

Shiba Inus like to be independent and they have a stubborn nature. They are known to be calmer, so they are less likely to bark at you for attention. They love to be a part of everything that is going on around the house. They are most likely suited for experienced owners and a family with older children. Shibas don’t have a strong dog odor, so if anyone has a really sensitive nose then this dog may just be a perfect dog for you. But if you like clean spaces then this dog may not be as suited for you because they are big shedders or they may be suited for you because they are very clean dogs. Shibas may be left alone for at most eight hours a time … otherwise they may chew dangerous items. Shibas can swim, but only when they are taught to at an early age. If you ever decide to get a Shiba Inu, make sure that you never let them off a leash because they are a hunting breed, they have incredibly strong prey drive. Shibas are prone to hypothyroidism, meaning the body doesn’t make enough thyroid hormone. Signs of this can include things like dry skin and coat, hair loss, susceptibility to other skin diseases, weight gain, fearfulness, aggression, or any other changes in their behavior. Shibas require daily walks because they are active dogs, but they are typically relaxing and calm while spending time inside with their family members. So Shibas are pretty good inside dogs, but they are not clingy like many other dogs. Shibas temperament or characteristics are that they are charming, keen, alert, fearless, confident, faithful. Since Shiba Inus are dogs from Japan, their name translates to “brushwood dog.” The lifespan of a Shiba is 12-15 years. The breeds that made up the Shiba Inu breed are the Mino, the Sanin, and the Shinshu. A Shiba Inu is ranked 93 smartest dog breeds.


Another popular dog is the Golden Retriever.

The Golden Retriever is one of the most popular dogs in the United States. They are known for their intelligence. They are called a Golden Retriever because of their amazing golden coat. About 60% of Goldens die from cancer. Golden retrievers originate from Scotland. Golden retrievers used to be black and wavy haired, but one man’s black, wavy haired retriever bred it with a tweed water spaniel which produced a litter of three yellow puppies. Golden retriever’s lifespan is 10-12, but if healthy they could live up to 16 years. Golden retrievers are one of the clingier dog breeds. They love being petted and they are downright needy in their desire for attention from their humans. Most Golden retrievers love to swim. A group of Golden retrievers are called “a happy.” Doug Worley said, “So we have a ‘happy’ of goldens come and it’s basically an hour-long play date.” The colors of a Golden Retriever can be dark golden, light golden, cream, and golden. These dogs are considered high maintenance dogs. They are very friendly and social, they can also be easily trained. A Golden Retriever is ranked 5th most intelligent dog!

The Corgi is known for their short legs.

Corgis are the perfect pets for stay-at-home moms or children. A corgi is a low-maintenance dog. Corgis are ranked 11th most intelligent dog breed, so they are easy to train and can learn many fun tricks! Corgi bark excessively at . . . basically everything. Corgis usually love to cuddle, some corgis may show their affection in other ways. Potty training a Corgi won’t be a breeze, it will take some time and effort. Corgis are particularly prone to hip dysplasia and intervertebral disk disease (IVDD), although they may also develop epilepsy, cataracts, degenerative myelopathy and other common disorders. Female corgis are viewed as calmer and more affectionate than male corgis. Corgis do shed. Corgis are a great companion, they are also less needy. Corgis have a reputation for being a big chewer. Corgis will start to calm down when they become one or two years old. Why do corgis sploot and what is splooting? Splooting means that they lay down on their stomach and stretch their legs out behind them. They sploot for comfort, to cool down, or to stretch. Unlike poodles, corgis tend to only bond with one owner. Corgis will need something to chew on while teething, even as adults! So if a corgi owner fails to provide new toys and chews . . . your furniture, shoes, etc may just get destroyed. Corgis are certainly not a lap dog! They are adventurous and love to explore. Their exercise needs lead them to be called “a big dog on little legs.” The only reason corgis aren't really popular is because they are herding dogs and they tend to nip and “herd.”


Talking about herding, Border Collies are championship herders.

They are also known for being the most intelligent dog breed known to man. Border Collies have around the same IQ as Elon musk! Border Collies have an IQ of 150. Border Collies have a life expectancy of 12-15 years. Their temperament is that they are intelligent, tenacious, responsive, keen, loyal, etc. The Border Collie is a British breed; they were bred to be herding dogs. Border Collies can make excellent family pets, but they will require a large garden where they can stretch their legs regularly. They are best suited for active families who head outside often. Border Collies are going to be one of the most affectionate dogs that you will own. They bark often, especially at times when they see things like a car or a bike pass by. Border Collies normally like to bond with one owner. They are not known to be an aggressive breed. The Border Collie is actually a mix of a Roman herding breed and a Viking Spitz-variety herding breed. Border Collies can only be left alone for a few hours or they will suffer separation anxiety. 


Border Collies can only be left alone for a few hours, but what about Pugs?

Pugs can’t tolerate being left alone for any amount of time! Pugs were bred to be companions of royalty. From it states, “There are many theories as to the Pug's origin—one theory states that the breed is a descendant of the short-haired Pekingese; another theory postulates that the Pug is a cross of a small Bulldog; and, a third theory speculates it is a miniature form of the French Mastiff (Dogue de Bordeaux).”Pugs originate from China. Pugs' weakness is that they have weak rears, also known as Pug Ataxia-Paralysi. Pugs normally calm down at the age of two. Pugs generally attach to one person or a small group of people. Any temperatures through 80- 85 fahrenheit are hazardous to your pugs health. Pugs have a tendency to get jealous in regards to their owner or someone who they think is important to them. If you have a house with children, pugs will be a greatly recommended dog! At nine months, a pug will be considered full grown. What is a pugs favorite thing to do? Well every dog may just have something in common . . . eating! With their short coat, they could easily get cold. A pug is the 57th smartest dog. That may not seem great, but this does classify them as fair working and obedient intelligence and that puts them in the same category as chihuahuas.

Talking about Chihuahuas, just like Pugs they are a pretty small breed.

Chihuahuas are actually known for being the smallest dog, weighing from four to six pounds. Chihuahuas also have very long life spans, averaging from 12-18 years. Some chihuahuas could end up lucky like Spike, a 23 year old chihuahua who holds the record for being the oldest chihuahua. Chihuahuas temperament is that they are lively, aggressive, quick, devoted, etc. A chihuahua IQ averages around 65-70 IQ.  Chihuahuas are great guard dogs! Chihuahuas make for great lap dogs. The leading cause of death in chihuahuas is heart failure. Chihuahuas are typically afraid of cars, people who are not a part of their household, and other dogs. Female chihuahuas are typically easier to train because they tend to be less distractible than male chihuahuas. A chihuahua would be considered fully grown at the age of 9-12 months. You should bathe a chihuahua at least once a month. Chihuahuas were known to be bred with Xoloitzcuintli, the Mexican hairless dog. Types of chihuahuas: Apple headed chihuahuas, Deer headed chihuahuas, Pear headed chihuahuas, Fawn chihuahua, Teacup chihuahua, and the long haired chihuahua. A chihuahua is ranked as the125 smartest dog breeds out of 138 dog breeds tested.

A Sheltie is also long haired like the long hair chihuahua . . . well maybe just a little bit longer.

The life span of a Sheltie is typically 12-14 years. Common health problems of Shelties include obesity. According to it can lead to joint problems, heart diseases, digestive disorders, and back pain. Shelties are also prone to have problems with their teeth than other dogs. Sheltie is known as the 6th smartest dog thanks to Collie ancestry. Shelties are both high and low maintenance, it just depends on the traits. A shelties temperament is that they are intelligent, lively, responsive, loyal, etc. Shelties have a double coat, so they might just cover your floor with shedded fur. You must brush them weekly! Shelties are a bit more prone to certain kinds of cancer that appear at a younger age. Shelties typically don’t have a “dog odor,” partially because of their coat. Believe it or not, but shelties used to be only 20-30 centimeters (8-12 inches.) A sheltie now can grow up to 13-16 inches and 14-26 pounds. According to shelties are a cross of the larger rough collie of the time with other island dogs including small herding breeds and spaniels. Shelties do have separation anxiety. Shelties are very peaceful dogs that need a harmonious home. Shelties generally avoid water and don't show interest in swimming.  

Unlike Shelties, German Shepherds typically enjoy swimming!

German Shepherds life expectancy is 9-13 years. They are known for being great guard dogs, service dogs, police dogs, and military dogs. German shepherds generally attach themselves to only one person in the family. Thurginian Shepherd breed (which was von Grafrath’s original breed category) with the Wurtemberg Shepherd. A German Shepherd's weakness is their hind legs. I don't recommend a german shepherd to people who have no energy to play with them. The highest cause of death in german shepherds are musculoskeletal disorders. German shepherds love to play and learn new things. A german shepherd can become violent if they do not respect their owner as a leader. Males are typically more territorial and females are typically more protective. German shepherds will most likely naturally protect you. German shepherds do not like to be confined in small spaces, ignored, raised voices, new places, strange people, being alone, being bored, etc. German Shepherds have a bad reputation because of their history of being of service and guard dogs, they have an unfair reputation of being dangerous or aggressive. They are the 3rd most intelligent dog breed known to man! Their IQ is around 80-90.

Dog breeds are all different in many ways! There are many dogs that could just be the perfect dog for you, while other dogs would be perfect for others. If you are looking for a small dog, a chihuahua would be perfect for you or maybe a pug. If you are looking for a dog that doesn’t shed, a poodle or a bichon frise may be the best choice. If you want a smart dog, a border collie would be just the one for you!

Are you smarter than a border collie with an IQ of 150? 

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