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Reflecting on my first days of Middle School and advice from an afterschool club member

Oscar Chen and Liam Kuang

One year ago, was the first time I walked in as a sixth grade student at Marie Curie 158. My first class was called #morningmeeting and I had to go all the way to the third floor, room 303 with Ms. D’Ambrosio. 

I was nervous also extremely excited for sixth grade I know a few people so we sit together and talk. I remember Ms. D’Ambrosio asked us did anyone need the schedule and she show us the #morning meeting slides and first period we have science with Ms. D’ambrosio so we do all about me in a Erlenmeyer flask. Next class was art in the auditorium and we got to choose our art. Of course, I chose chorus because I love singing and I've been singing since 5th grade. After art we have Physical Education / Gym and we were informed that we have Ms. Krieger. After Physical Education / Gym we have ELA with Ms. O’Brien we basically play a game of kahoot with question all about her.After that we have Lunch and then we have Math with Ms. Silverstri we do Multiple Intelligence Quiz and then we have social studies with Ms. Bergfeld and she explains what school supplies we need.

First days are tough for everyone, but if you remember these important moments, you’ll know to never be afraid of first days. This year, after getting a year to familiarize myself with our school, now I am rarely late to class, because I know my way. As we enter the cold times of the year, remember we have a great school and there are many people who know where to go. 

As the morning slides say, students have a voice. Now that you have become for comfortable with the school year, what are some goals you want to accomplish? This year, I wanted to join two clubs and do better in all of my classes. Set goals for yourself and make sure you check off each goal once they are completed. I joined a club called FELLAS, we are peers who share what might be bothering us. The discussion is mostly led by teacher Mr. Ng and 8th grade students. The senior FELLAS just took the SHSAT and one goal is checked off for them, next are the results and then applying for high schools. FELLAS club is great because various types of students gather to support each other.

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