Figure skating 9/10
(Chloe Liang)
Great 100% respect for figure skaters because I am one and it is no joke. I am not the most experienced skater but it is really hard to do and the rink is always freezing and my hands and feet are always cold and hurting. Overall skating always looks cool and the performance of these people is amazing and they are crazy talented to accomplish these tricks. It looks really easy but is a REALLY hard sport.
Skiing 7.5/10
(Josephine Zhang)
I think that skiing is pretty cool. I think skiing takes a lot of experience. It would be hard for a newcomer to successfully go down a hill of snow. Trust me I tried it once. I remember one time that I went skiing, it was difficult. Every time I fell I would need help to get up because the equipment would be super heavy. I always had trouble landing. Next time if you are new to skiing you should probably take lessons before you go straight to skiing.
Curling 3.5/10
(Chloe Liang)
In my opinion, this shouldn’t be a sport and is stupid (no offense). Curling requires almost no practice. My cousin's friend is a curler and she never sees her practice and they just go right to competitions. It is really sad watching these curlers do their work considering they are just pushing a stone. But, it is kind of cool to watch.
Speed skating 7.5/10
(Chloe Liang)
So entertaining to watch and overall is a good sport. ALTHOUGH this is kind of easy because, whenever I go to the rink to do whatever I race with friends and always win. I got kicked out once because I was going too fast. I HATE when the skates cause too much friction and make a scratchy sound it makes me cringe.
Sled dog racing 4.5/10
(Josephine Zhang)
Sled dog racing requires highly trained dogs to succeed. In sled dog racing it will require you to have one leader and many follower dogs. The only reason I think sled dog racing is bad is because it requires dogs to carry a person around which will make the dogs super tired. And the owner gets most of the credit.
Snowboarding 6/10
(Josephine Zhang)
Overall I think snowboarding is pretty hard. In snowboarding, you have to have your legs on the same board and you are unable to walk, unlike skiing. For snowboarding, you have to slide down a hill of snow with your feet stuck on the same snowboard.
Hockey 6.5/10
(Chloe Liang)
Overall basic and boring sport. The players sound committed to the sport but it is kinda boring to watch. It is boring and I have nothing else to say about it. I think that hockey is OVERRATED!!!
Additional help from: Zhengyilan fang