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  • Tobias Kang

Fantasia and TwoSet

Right now, listening to Fantasia by Twoset is - I do not know how - making me sleepy. I am trying to write everything by today, so I will need to try to stay awake!

Fantasia is an EP with four classical songs; Prelude, Scherzo, Adagio, and Rhapsody. Each of these piece names - as some band and (maybe) chorus kids know - derives from classical elements. Prelude is like the start of the album in Modern classical music. Then there is Scherzo, a light, playful piece, and the song shows lively energy and high pitches, usually at forte or mezzo forte. Then it is Adagio. This is a very slow and calming piece, and it almost sounds as if it should be in a Marvel movie. Next, Rhapsody. It is the last song on the playlist and is very calming, and usually at either piano or pianissimo.

Also, I have not seen anyone mention Twoset or Two Set Violin. I guess as a Ling Ling Wannabe, I will have to describe our amazing Australian-Singaporean duo, Eddy Chen and Brett Yang. Eddy and Brett are famous violinists from Australia that are part of the so-called ‘Steven He Universe’ as YouTuber Steven He would describe. And they have done a lot of interesting videos, such as the video where they ranked the instruments, causing Davie504 to get mad and challenge them. They have worked for CHICHA San Chen (Bubble Tea) in Taichung, and the Synwin Violin store in Singapore. And they have also done different things not related to violin.

Whelp, I guess I did it! I wrote the whole thing in just an hour! Now, I will give you the links to the YouTube channel, subreddit, and whatnot.


Just a side note, but I wonder what happened to Violin-Chan (The Violin that Davie504 has made disappear.)


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