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  • Writer's picturePAUL NG

2022 Resolutions and More!

Updated: Feb 21, 2022

Every year, to ring in the New Year, many of us have New Year resolutions! Some are to stay more organized or help out around the house. We always say we will do those things. But many of us fall through with the idea and we quit! There is a small percent of people who do actually make their resolutions a reality. Many sixth graders have given their resolutions and ways to maybe actually do them. Maybe these suggestions will work for you?

One of our fellow peers, Amelia Raushan, has a new year resolution of spending more time with her family this year! To pursue this, she said that she will hang out with them often and will play board games with them or watch movies as much as possible! Maya Gawish, also said her New Year’s resolution is to have a clean room and eat healthy! To make this goal a reality, she will take time out of her life and clean her room section by section! To eat healthy she will minimize the amount of candies and sweets.

Other sixth graders have more resolutions and plans for this new year. Another sixth grader says that her new year resolution is less screen time! She is going to set a timer for how long she can be on devices and only pick them up when needed! Stephanie Chen expressed that her new year's resolution is to get better and higher grades. She plans to achieve that by studying extra longer for tests and quizzes! A different sixth grader said that to be more positive! She said she will hang out with her friends more and try to avoid putting too much stress on herself!

To begin a new year many of us have resolutions. It is always up to us if we will continue with them for the whole year. Maybe these ideas will help you with your resolution? Or maybe by 2023 you would have given up already. In the words of J. Allen Shaw “Don't make resolutions without an action plan. The secret to success is right in your hands.”


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